• In the regulations of the new Criminal Code, the legislator has not opted for a limited criminal liability of the legal entity, but for a general liability which may result because of the commitment of any criminal offence. Except the state, the public authorities and the public institutions which carry on any activities not representing the subject matter of the private field, the other legal entities may hold the capacity of active subject, no matter the nature and the seriousness of the committed criminal offence. The criminal liability shall be laid upon the legal entity only when the respective entity having a position of management, provision, decision etc. commits the deed set forth by the criminal law in carrying out the business line or in the interest or on behalf of the legal entity. In case of committing a deed set forth by the criminal law, both the criminal liability of the legal entity and of the natural person who contributed to its commitment or only of one of these two categories of persons.
  • This paper makes a detailed examination of certain essential provisions in relation to the preparation of the contract. The examination is focused especially on the novelty issues entered by the Law no. 287 of 17 July 2009 on the Civil Code which repealed the Civil Code of 1864 into force until 30 September 2011. The author proposed an examination based upon rigor and objectivity in his attempt to understand the true meaning of the provisions of the new regulations. To this end, the doctrine and the case law in the matter are taken into consideration, and especially the solutions for each issue under discussion are filtered by the domestic and external case law. Likewise, references are made to the legislations of other states, which represent sources of inspiration for the editors of the new Civil Code, for the purpose of understanding accurately the provisions related to the conclusion of the contract. At the same time, certain debates of the doctrine and case law are briefly examined as regards the interpretation given to certain provisions introduced in the new Civil Code and, as the case may be, a critical analysis is carried out as well, in relation to these issues.
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