• The international treaties on human rights are the fundamental conventional sources de jure applicable in this area and at the level of the European Union. The evolution of their content relevant to the fundamental rights is spectacular, starting from the lack of interest in terms of regulations expressed in the Treaty of Rome signed in 1957, to the rules of reference to the (European) Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms contained in the Single European Act or the Treaty of Maastricht and up to the establishment of the European Union’s own protection mechanism under the Treaty of Lisbon and the Charter of fundamental rights.
  • Prin excepție de la regula instituitã prin dispozițiile alin. (1) al art. 86 C.pr.civ., potrivit cãreia comunicarea actelor de procedurã se face prin agent procedural, dispozițiile alin. (3) al aceluiași articol stabilesc cã aceastã comunicare se face prin poștã, cu scrisoare recomandatã cu dovadã de primire sau prin alte mijloace ce asigurã transmiterea textului actului și confirmarea primirii acestuia.
  • New regulatory agency contract and the new regulatory liability, both contained in the new Civil Code, has some innovative features, such as to update the rules of private according to the needs of contemporary society. Legal provisions are yet perfectly, returning doctrine designed to further research in this area. Quality and consistency can be confirmed by jurisprudence equitable solution, thoroughly motivated, able to offer real victims a chance to repair the damage by restoring the previous situation.
  • In case of the minors aged between 14 and 18 years old, who are liable from the criminal point of view, the presumption according to which their judgment has not reached its maturation, but is in full process of development and stabilization is instituted. In view of these circumstances, minors under this category of age do not have the psycho-physical ability to fully become aware of the gravity of the perpetrated crimes and, especially, their injurious consequences on the social values protected by means of criminal regulations. Given this context, the author claims that the new Criminal Code excludes the possibility of enforcing punishments in case of under aged criminals and establishes a specific system of criminal penalties, entitled educational measures, classified into two categories: educational measures without deprivation of liberty and educational measures with deprivation of liberty.
  • On the basis of the organization and operation of the union institutions there are the principle of autonomy of their organizing, the principle of conferral of competencies and the principle of the institutional balance. MEPs represent the people (in the system previous to the Treaty of Lisbon) and the EU citizens (under the current regime), they can not receive instructions, orders from governments of the Member States, not being appointed by them. The States are associated in the Union itself, which reveals a community of interests and aspirations, embodied in the objectives and decisions set.
  • This study examines the issue of the joint security of creditors over the debtor’s patrimony in the light of art. 2324 of the current Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished on July 15th 2011 and entered into force as at October 1st 2011), with a special regard concerning the mentioned issue in case of establishment of patrimonies of affectation over the joint security of creditors.
  • The author conducts a thorough analysis of the legal content regarding the crime of misappropriation of public tenders provided by art. 246 of the new Criminal Code, incrimination ex novo. With reference to the structure of this infringement, the object of criminal protection, the subjects, the objective and subjective aspect, the forms, modalities and sanctions provided by the law are examined in detail. Within the complementary explanations, the connections of the misappropriation of public tenders with other crimes and some procedural aspects are tackled with. Further, the legislative antecedents of this incrimination regulation, the solutions to be followed in case of occurrence of temporary situations and some elements of comparative law are presented. The author does not hesitate to express his opinion as regards the constitutional content of this criminal deed, its systematization and nature and to advance some of his own solutions and ideas related to this aspect. Towards the ending of this analysis several conclusions and proposals de lege ferenda are presented in order to determine an appropriate protection of the values and social relations concerned by this incrimination, an unitary enforcement of the text and implicitly a better performance of the criminal justice within Romania.
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