Given the absence of solutions expressly provided by law, national criminal courts now apply, with more courage and in the interest of justice, fundamental principles of criminal process as laid down by the Constitution, the Criminal Procedure Code and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights, which provides free access to justice, including judicial control on the acts of the prosecutor. In this context, the old adage „Justice is blind” may be replaced with a new concept, better suited to new national, European and international economic and social relations – „Justice is not always blind”.
The Treaty on European Union includes not only the core of the Community rules, but also references to the necessity to bring some amendments to the national legislation of Member States in accordance with these rules. Complying with this requirement, the Romanian legislator constantly brings amendments which, in criminal matters, involve an interdisciplinary approach, imposing compliance with general principles of law and with principles specific for the protection of human rights and for European Union law.
After a general presentation of the institution of house arrest, the author analyzes a specific aspect referring to this new preventive measure provided in the new Criminal Procedure Code, namely the maximum duration of house arrest pending judgment at first instance.
Brokerul de asigurare, care are și calitatea de mandatar al unei întreprinderi de asigurare străine, fiind împuternicit de aceasta să soluționeze cererile de despăgubiri în eventualitatea accidentelor de circulație produse de autovehicule asigurate în străinătate, nu este parte la raportul juridic obligațional născut prin producerea faptului delictual. Astfel, întrucât brokerul de asigurare este terț față de contractul de asigurare în temeiul căruia au fost solicitate despăgubirile, acesta nu poate fi obligat în nume propriu la plata despăgubirilor. (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Secția a II-a civilă, Decizia nr. 2156 din 30 mai 2013)