• This article makes a brief presentation of the new basic principles of Romanian criminal proceedings, which represent general rules contained in the legislation of the Member States of the European Union, considered to be the basis of modern criminal proceedings. The validity and efficiency of these rules have been tested by the judicial practice in France, Italy, Belgium and others and by the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights.
  • Although the science and the practice of law have always enjoyed the consideration and the appreciation of society, their academic recognition remained, mostly, a desideratum. As a complex phenomenon: art, technics and science at the same time, the law represents complexity and difficulty in perceiving and affirming its status of scientific and cultural science. That is why, although the faculties of law were among the founding faculties of universities, the lawyers and their discipline came relatively late in the dome of academies. In Romania, the Romanian Academy, created in 1866, was initially concerned with the study of the national language and history, hardly opening its doors for sciences, in general, and social sciences, in particular. Facing this „conservatorism” the representatives of different sciences have opted to create some specialized academies, such as the Academy of Sciences (1936) or the Academy (Institute) of Moral and Political Sciences (1938). It was only in 1948, by creating the Division of legal and economic sciences, when the law received express recognition among the concerns of the high academic forum, but the lawyers are still under-represented within it. The increasing role of law in post-modern society and asserting its status as social complex science impose the revaluation of its academic status as well.
  • The Romanian Civil Code of 2009 has taken over derogatory rules with regard to the nullity of company from the matter of companies with legal personality regulated by the Law No 31/1990, as well as from the European regulations in the field. In this way, the principle of safeguarding the company has acquired a general application in the matter of all companies, regardless of their type. The exceptional rules, which were initially applied only to the companies regulated by the Law No 31/1990, outlining the idea of an atypical nullity, have been thus transferred to the Civil Code, becoming general rules applicable to all private law companies.
  • The Romanian legislator has introduced an innovation in criminal proceedings matters: the institution of the suspect, which is questionable from several points of view. According to the provisions of the new Romanian Criminal Procedure Code, the suspect is the person about whom, from the existing data and evidence in the case, a reasonable suspicion arises that he has committed an offence provided by the criminal law; the quality of suspect is acquired only when the prosecutor orders that the criminal prosecution – which had previously started only with regard to the deed (in rem) – be further conducted against that person. The suspect is not a party in the criminal proceedings, but a main subject to proceedings. In this study, the authors analyze the institution of the suspect, by presenting some critical aspects and by proposing the reconsideration of its regulation.
  • This study is meant to clarify the content and the meaning of legal norms devoted to the protection of databases. The author presents and subjects to analysis the points of view of prestigious authors and his own relative to the legal nature of the rights arising from the creation of databases. This paper examines the elements of the legal relationship arising from the database creation: the subjects, the object and the content of the relationship, emphasizing the particularities and the specificity that shape its identity. However, the topic discussed is connected to the European case-law in the matter, precisely to highlight the manner in which it is raised the question of the relationship between the protection of databases in the area of copyright and through the sui-generis right of the creators of these intellectual creations. The author analyses databases in order to underline the fact that they are man-made creations, with an important role in the economic and social life and are more and more frequently exposed to unfair competition. Moreover, the article also offers starting points for specialists called to study thoroughly less known aspects of the legal protection of databases.
  • This paper deals with contesting protective measures taken during criminal proceedings at the request of the civil party. Authors consider that it is the right of the civil party to request for such measures to be taken with regard to the assets of the defendant and to those belonging to the party liable under the civil law. Moreover, the civil party can contest the manner in which the court applies this request.
  • Throughout this study the author intends to emphasize some innovative aspects introduced by the new Criminal Procedure Code concerning the criminal prosecution stage, and also some legal provisions insufficiently conceptualized and corroborated with the regulation in its entirety. Aspects related to the referral and the jurisdiction of criminal prosecution bodies are analysed, as well as those pertaining to the beginning and progress of the criminal prosecution, and to the decision not to indict. The author also makes some proposals de lege ferenda meant, in his opinion, to remove or clarify those legal provisions which he appreciates as being contradictory.
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