• Considered by the authors of the Civil Code of 2009 a „traditional reality in Romania”, currently the engagement has become a „legal reality”, being regulated by Articles 266–270 of the Civil Code. Without „applauding” or „disavowing” the appearance of this unusual legal institution, we find that the reactions of the specialised literature have remained at their „first steps”. However, they are mostly marked by theses from the French doctrine as well, provided that, paradoxically, the French Civil Code, even if it defines the engagement (Article 515–8), does not devote to it other legal rules as well. Wishing to be a contribution to the „continuing effort of interpretation”, this study is based, primarily, on the logical and legal, systematic and systemic analysis of the provisions of Articles 266–270 of the Civil Code.
  • The article deals with the problems of suspension of judgment by the Romanian court based on Article 413 (1) point 1 of the Civil Procedure Code, on the grounds of the existence of a judgment pending before a foreign court.
  • Pursuant to Article 127 (1) of the new (Romanian) Civil Procedure Code, „If a judge has the status of plaintiff in an application for which the court where he pursues his activity has jurisdiction, he shall refer the matter to one of the courts of the same level located within the district of any of the courts of appeal neighbouring the court of appeal in whose district the court where he pursues his activity has jurisdiction.” After making a general analysis of the text, the author, contrary to some opinions expressed in the doctrine, considers that, for identity of reason, the text applies accordingly, and not only if the indicated situation exists in first instance, but also if that situation exists in appeal or in recourse, and this is for: identity of reason.
  • This study falls within the so much present problems of civil liability of professionals for malpractice. Starting from the arguments of a jurisprudential solution concerning the lawyer’s liability for the damage caused to the clients or to the third parties, the article intends to present the regulation, the special conditions, the legal nature and the foundation of this hypothesis of liability. By her conclusions the author supports the idea that the civil liability of the lawyer is a separate and autonomous professional civil liability.
  • The pre-contractual obligation to inform is one of the ethical instruments meant to ensure the durable and effective maintenance of the contract (contractual durability principle), a requirement which has acquired a considerable development owing to its functions: preventing a possible failure as concerns the maintaining of the durability and the effectiveness of the contract and building a contractual relation based on the active presence of the contracting parties. The provision of sufficiently accurate information will lead to making a decision to conclude or not the contract in full awareness of the facts. It is designed to extend also to the phase of contract performance, allowing the parties to think more deeply about the commitments they will make. But, in the pre-contractual phase, of negotiations, the future contracting parties only begin building a durable trust, which is achieved through dialogue and collaboration and which has normally extended also to the phase of performance of the contract. The pre-contractual obligation to inform tends to engage other legal means as well in order to come to decision-making in full awareness of the facts and in order to build, at the same time, a „bond of trust” intended to extend in time. Therefore, it is obvious the need to generalize this obligation, thus strengthening the coherence of rules (principle of coherence), this being achieved both by way of extending the application of the requirement of „good faith” and by special express rules specific to each category of contracts.
  • In the study with the above title, the author examines specifically the problems of the current regulation of the protection of competition on the internal market of the European Union, through the control of concentrations of undertakings, in the light of the provisions included in the Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of the concentrations between undertakings.
  • Currently, under the increasingly intense and diverse interactions between countries, due to the unprecedented mobility of individuals, in space, or to the dynamics of public international law, as such, (for example, in international human rights or international criminal law) the theoretical model that governs the relationship between international law and domestic law has become a topical one. In addition, the existence of several supra-state forms of cooperation, such as the European Union, bring into question the relationship that is being established, on the one hand, between the law of those forms of cooperation and the Member States' national law and, on the other hand, between the former and general international law. In this paper I will discuss the relationship between international law and Romanian domestic law, as regulated by Romania’s organic and constitutional provisions and taking due account of Romania’s EU membership. The paper is structured in three sections corresponding to the general theoretical approaches to the matter (Section II), the legal, institutional and scholars’ approaches (Section III) and conclusions and de lege ferenda proposals; the latter will address both the content of the regulations, as well as some aspects of legislative technique (Section IV).
  • In this paper the author examines the legal regime of the plea of illegality regulated by Article 4 of the Law on administrative disputes No 554/2004, as this text has been rather recently amended by Law No 76/2012 for the implementation of Law No 134/2010 on the [new] Civil Procedure Code. In this regard there are examined: the definition and the legal nature of the plea of illegality, its features, as well as the conditions of admissibility of the plea of illegality.
  • The Ombudsman is a fundamental institution of the state of law, meant to ensure the protection of natural or legal persons against the abusive manifestations of the public authorities. In this context, this study aims to analyze the main problems arisen in the practice of exercising the powers of this autonomous administrative authority, envisaging, in particular: the scope of public authorities and of the administrative acts falling within the scope of activity of this authority; the procedure for exercising the action for administrative disputes by the Ombudsman. Likewise, following the analysis of these aspects, there are formulated de lege ferenda proposals.
  • By the Law No 187/2012 for the implementation of the Law No 286/2009 on the Criminal Code there have been amended and supplemented some normative acts that include criminal provisions. In this context, this study examines the amendments brought by the mentioned law on the offence of unauthorized reproduction of software on computer systems, regulated by Article 1399 of the Law No 8/1996 on copyright and neighbouring rights. The author presents his personal and doctrinal points of view on the characterization of the constitutive content of the analyzed offence, as well as on the interpretation and on the application of the amending legal rules.
  • After the author has analyzed in a previous study the need to take into account the legitimate defence in the field of cybercrime and has emphasized the aspects of the conditions of the attack, in this material there are analyzed the legitimate retaliation and the state of necessity. In this context, the author has tried to emphasize the problems that may arise in relation to the conditions relating to defence (legitimate retaliation), also seeking to provide a theoretical framework capable of providing applicability to the institution of self-defence. An important aspect analyzed in this paper has been the putative self-defence, which could be a key aspect in the discussion on the legitimate retaliation. Equally, it has been examined inclusively the institution of the state of necessity, also drawing conclusions on the relationship between this institution and the institution of self-defence.
  • In this article there are examined comparatively the time limit and the grounds for appeal provided in the current legislation and the previous legislation, as well as the regulation in force. Likewise, within this paper there have been formulated a series of critical remarks, as well as de lege ferenda proposals, which have in view the amendment of the provisions of Article 410 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code. The paper can be useful for the academic environment, for the practitioners, as well as for the legislator.
  • One of the main innovations introduced by the new Criminal Procedure Code is the possibility of concluding a plea bargaining agreement between the defendant and the prosecutor. Where there is evidence to confirm that the defendant is the perpetrator of the deed subject to the criminal trial, and he admits the allegations against him, it is possible for the defendant and the prosecutor to mutually agree on the punishment, the method of execution of punishment, as well as on all other aspects related to the criminal side of the case. In this case, the role of the court will be limited only to verifying whether the concluded agreement fulfils or not the conditions provided by law and to confirm it or to reject it. Through this new institution it will decrease the duration of trials where the evidence produced during the criminal prosecution phase proves almost unequivocally the commission of acts by the defendant, allowing the courts to concentrate their resources on the really complex cases.
  • The paper aims to achieve a general view on the contemporary legal systems. In this respect, it is analyzed the Romano-Germanic legal system, the Anglo-Saxon legal system, as well as other traditional legal systems, such as Islamic legal system or Indian legal system. In addition to the theoretical approach, elements specific to the judicial system are covered.
  • Today the philosophy of law can not be conceived outside the genesis, evolutions, paradigmatic hypostases, connections with the science, the knowledge and the world, of the fundamental conceptual couple philosophy – right. In the contemporary world we are witnessing spectacular changes of paradigm, of models, from the mechanical understanding of the legal order – specific to the modern period – to law as a complexity of high organization, open to others, to totality and to meaning. This means, among other things, the inherence of the philosophical dimension of the law. Therefore, the philosophy of law shall be established as a polycentric, integrative concept connecting together the durable classic axle, namely philosophy (expressed through excellence by its exemplary paradigms) – law (also expressed by its representative paradigms), to the contemporary network of knowledge, to the global society and to the contemporary man, in a specific, critical, open manner, always evolving.
  • Conform art. 4251 alin. (1) C.pr.pen., calea de atac a contestației se poate exercita numai atunci când legea o prevede expres. Cu toate că dispozițiile art. 278 C.pr.pen. care constituie sediul materiei îndreptării erorilor materiale nu prevăd posibilitatea atacării încheierii cu cale de atac separată, sunt incidente dispozițiile art. 442 și 446 C.pr.civ. prin mijlocirea art. 2 alin. (2) din același act normativ, Codul de procedură civilă, prin generala sa aplicabilitate, reprezentând dreptul comun și în materie procesual penală. Drept urmare, atâta vreme cât legea procesual penală nu interzice expres posibilitatea atacării încheierilor de îndreptare a erorilor materiale pe cale separată, se poate apela la dispozițiile legii procesual civile care reglementează această posibilitate (cu notă critică).
  • Prevederile art. 970 alin. 2 C.civ. obligă părțile să execute cu bună-credință nu numai clauzele expres stipulate în convenție, ci și pe toate cele la care obligă echitatea, obiceiul sau legea, după natura obligației. Astfel, în lipsa unei reglementări specifice antecontractului de vânzarecumpărare, dispozițiile alin. 2 al art. 970 C.civ. permit aplicarea dispozițiilor legale incidente vânzării perfecte unui antecontract, întrucât scopul urmărit de părțile din antecontract este încheierea unui contract numit, de vânzare-cumpărare, cu reglementare specială în Codul civil, iar conduita contractuală a părților trebuie să vizeze îndeplinirea tuturor obligațiilor specifice acestui contract numit.
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