• In this study, the author presents first the main reasons that led to the development of the 2009 Criminal Code and the objectives pursued by its wording. Subsequently, the author presents the main novelties brought by the regulations contained in the General Part and the Special Part of the new Criminal Code. Presentation of the characteristic features and innovations introduced by the 2009 Criminal Code compared to the Criminal Code of 1969 is achieved whilst revealing both the merits and some shortcomings of the new criminal law. These explanations are accompanied by numerous examples, own ideas and suggestions to improve the texts analyzed. In a final section, the author presents, in a reasoned manner, his own conclusions drawn in relation to the study of the new Criminal Code.
  • Under art. 164 to 177 of the Civil Code the legislator regulates “the protection of the judicial prohibited” and “the placing under judicial interdiction procedure” under art. 935 to 940 of the Code of Civil Procedure; these texts essentially take over the old regulation provisions and also establish some updates, including that of determining jurisdiction in the matter in favor of the court guardianship, court which also takes over the guardianship authority duties. This study aims to explore and explain the legal rules above.
  • Currently, the law governing the criminal clause institution are laid down in Articles 1538 to 1543 of the new Civil Code. What holds the special interest of the legal literature, and, in particular, that of practitioners, is the court’s possibility to reduce the criminal clause where the principal obligation has been executed by the debtor (creditor’s advantage) and where the penalty is clearly excessive in relation to the damage that could have been set out by the parties upon the contract conclusion. This study presents the legal, doctrinal and jurisprudential evolution of criminal clause reducibility.
  • The new Civil Code achieves in art. 1730-1740 a general-rule regulation of both legal and conventional preemption right, regulation applicable wherever the law or the contract do not stipulate otherwise. The conventional preemption right is recognized and regulated under the name of preemption right established by contract; it is nothing but a preference pact in the matter of the sales Contract. Considering that, regardless of the legal or conventional nature of the preemption right, is not normal to have two different systems that penalize violations in the beneficiary’s purchasing priority, the mechanism operating in case of preemption was governed unitary, the freedom of contract left to preemption’s promisor and this freedom overcome consequences being outlined. Whilst trying to settle the doctrinal controversy on the legal characteristics of the right of preemption, the new Civil Code provided for in Art. 1731 that the sale of the property on which there is a legal or conventional preemption right can be concluded with a third party only provided that there is a condition precedent of the preemptor non-exercising the right of preemption, but without specifying explicitly whether such a condition should be considered implicit where it has not been stipulated in the sales contract with the third party. Removing the jurisprudential shortcomings of the substitution mechanism related to the beneficiary instead of the third party purchaser, who is incompatible with the dissolution contract signed between the latter and the promisor, Art. 1732 and 1723 of the new Civil Code, without expressly referring to the sale under condition precedent, stipulate that, through the exercise of preemption, the sales contract is deemed concluded between the preemptor and the seller in the conditions contained in the contract with the third party, and this latter contracts shall be canceled retroactively. In terms of obligations, the creditor is entitled to proper execution and should the creditor have such right, he/she should be granted the opportunity to find effective means to protect it. Reading of Art. 1731 of the new Civil Code, in the sense of making the condition precedent of the preemptor’s non-exercise of the right of preemption in the any sale between the promisor and the third party to be implied, corresponds to the doctrine and jurisprudence attempts to find appropriate means to ensure the observance of the preemptor’s ignored rights, while considering the above principle.
  • The study of the contract of audiovisual adaptation has been imposed for multiple reasons. Firstly, as no contract of transfer agreement of the author’s patrimonial rights, which includes also the contract of audiovisual adaptation, does not have its own regulation in the Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009). Consequently, the current article deals also with the problem of the incidence of the norms of common law on the analyzed contract. Secondly, the research was also determined by the fact that in the Law no. 8/1996 regarding the author’s rights and the associated rights this type of contract was allocated a laconic regulation, i.e. only in a single article of law. Thirdly, the discussion of this topic was necessary as the norms dedicated to the contract of audiovisual adaptation included in the special Law are not clearly, fluently and comprehensively enough formulated, presenting quite a few faults lacunae and even imprecision, which the author highlighted, sometimes under the form of de lege ferenda proposals.
  • 1. ALEXE, IRINA – Aspecte privind mobilitatea înalților funcționari publici reflectate de jurisprudenþa instanțelor din România, în „Revista de drept public” nr. 1-2/2012, p. 90-102. Autoarea, în urma analizei reglementãrilor în vigoare și a jurisprudenței în domeniu, face urmãtoarea propunere de lege ferenda: se apreciazã ca fiind judicioasã introducerea formulãrii “principiul mobilitãții”, cu consecințele de rigoare, în primul rând aceea de a stabili un cadru programat întemeiat pe criterii clare și coerente în aplicarea principiului mobilitãții.
  • Drept penal și procesual penal CERERE PRIVIND SESIZAREA CURȚII DE JUSTIȚIE A UNIUNII EUROPENE PENTRU PRONUNȚAREA UNEI HOTÃRÂRI PRELIMINARE. INADMISIBILITATE. În conformitate cu dispozițiile art. 267 paragr. 1 lit. a) si b) din Tratatul privind funcționarea Uniunii Europene, Curtea de Justiție a Uniunii Europene este competentã sã se pronunþe, cu titlu preliminar, cu privire la: a) interpretarea tratatelor și b) validitatea și interpretarea actelor adoptate de instituțiile, organele, oficiile sau agențiile Uniunii. Prin urmare, cererea privind sesizarea Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene pentru pronunțarea unei hotãrâri preliminare, referitoare la interpretarea unui act al Consiliului Europei, cum este Convenția penalã privind corupþia, adoptatã la Strasbourg la 27 ianuarie 1999, iar nu a unui tratat al Uniunii Europene sau act al instituțiilor, organelor, oficiilor sau agențiilor Uniunii Europene, este inadmisibilã.
  • 1. Achitare nelegalã. Gradul de pericol social al unei infracțiuni. În cazul în care legea prevede, în mod expres, cã o anumitã faptã prezintã pericolul social specific unei infracțiuni, în orice condiții de comitere, instanța nu poate pronunța o soluție de achitare și de aplicare a unei sancțiuni cu caracter administrativ.
  • International treaties on human rights are, in relation to the common law, the most important human rights source of international law. In terms of geography, the international treaties under the cited matter are divided into treaties with universal vocation (UN system) and regional international treaties (European regional level, Inter-American, African and so on). In this study, the author refers to the specificity of the conventional sources within the Inter-American and African system, the Arab and Islamic world and within the CIS area.
  • In this article, the author examines the crime of treason by giving aid to the enemy both in terms of the current Criminal Code and in light of the new Criminal Code, pointing out, where appropriate, the main similarities and differences between the two regulations.
  • In this study, the author, whilst analyzing the legal nature of Child Protection Commissions (which are organized and operate pursuant to Law No. 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children’s rights and the Government Decision no. 1437/2004 on the organization methodology and functioning of the Child Protection Commission), concludes that the decisions taken by such committees are not special administrative jurisdiction acts, but simply unilateral administrative acts that are adopted by a specialized body within the county council or the local council of Bucharest sectors, as appropriate. As regards attacking / challenging these decisions in court, usually, the settlement power falls on the common law courts, and not on the administrative ones.
  • What seems relevant to this study highlight is the current trend of Europeanization guarantees the right to a fair trial in civil matters established by art. 6, paragraph 1 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and relativization constitutional provisions to guarantee this right, from the perspective of European Court of Human Rights. With this approach, the study proposed open a complex and complete vision, but not exhaustive approach guarantees within the current right to a fair trial in civil matters. Following an outline Key – are analyzed successively three major parts of the study, namely, 1. Identification of universal standards and regulations contained in the European human rights and, of Romanian constitutional and legal regulations on the right to a fair trial in civil matters. 2. Doctrinal guidelines on the requirements of the right to a fair trial in civil matters. 3. Jurisprudential guidelines on the requirements of the right to a fair trial in civil matters.
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