The law has, undoubtedly, the properties of a fluid. Firstly, the property to shape into the forms they come into contact: the social realities are the ones that should configure it, as François Gény once said, so that their slower or more sudden changing would automatically determine mostly imperceptible, and in some cases, convulsive changes of the legal phenomenon as well. Law is a far too important phenomenon to not be subjected to studying day by day. However, a careful analysis of law has always imposed its division, primarily for teaching, theoretical purposes, but not without having in view the practical consequences as well. Traditional or innovative, classic or revolutionary, this „slicing” into divisions, branches and legal institutions, has undergone, in its turn, plenty of changes over time, being in a state of perpetual remodeling (and remodulation). In the following lines we propose some ideas, with no greater claim than that of presenting a personal opinion, about this phenomenon of division, firstly, and of fusion, secondly, a phenomenon that repeats itself cyclically, as, ultimately, the law also contains in itself a significant dose of history.
The idea and, especially, the usefulness of this study have been suggested to us by some amendments brought to the Law No 273/2004 on the procedure of adoption by the Law No 57/2016, including with regard to the issue of the jurisdiction of the Romanian courts in matters of adoption, by the provisions of Articles 1066–1082 of the Civil Procedure Code, referring to „the international jurisdiction of the Romanian courts”, as well as by the existence in this area of some norms still involving an effort of logical-legal polishing. Specifically, we have subjected to analysis the hypotheses of international jurisdiction of the Romanian courts, the material and territorial jurisdiction of the tribunal, respectively of the Bucharest Tribunal, with regard to the applications in matters of adoption.
The cessation by right of the individual labour contract is one of the fundamental institutions of the labour relations law. Its objective is to expressly regulate those legal hypotheses in which the labour relations, lawfully concluded, cease under the power of law, for objective reasons beyond the control of the signatory parties. Due to the relatively large number of cases where the continuation of the labour relations becomes practically impossible, as well as to the legal issues of a high complexity that may become incidental in this context, the examined institution of law shows a special configuration in all the factors that cause the cessation of the effects of the individual labour contract in the future.
This paper aims to provide an analysis of the assignment of claim established by a nominative title, promissory note or bearer bond from the perspective of the regulation offered by the current Civil Code, with reference to the special laws that establish the legal status of these titles, including the conditions of their transmission. Thus, the analysis of the general provisions contained in the Civil Code had in view the opinions expressed in the specialised doctrine, both the one prior to the entry into force of the current Civil Code and the latest doctrine, as well as the provisions included in the special laws applicable in the matter.
We mentally associate the first half of the nineteenth century with the affirmation of some ideas and projects of political and administrative reform of the two Romanian principalities connected to the most advanced spirit in Europe of those times. The national common sense watchword was, at that time, the modernization of the principalities in the spirit of the reforms stimulated and encouraged by the French Revolution in the late eighteenth century. Still under the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire, Moldavia and Walachia were trying to receive European political and legal institutions and to place them into Romanian governance mechanisms, also preparing thereby the formation of a new legal thinking and practice, of a new government mentality, in the spirit of the Western Europe. From this perspective, the author analyzes the origins and the constitutional functions of the Legislative Council, using, for this, some prestigious doctrinal studies published in specialized magazines in the inter-war period of the twentieth century. Likewise, the author analyzes the role of the Legislative Council configured in Article 79 of the Constitution adopted in 1991 and its organic law.
The imperative to not let the governors and the governed persons commit any abuses has generated a specific manner of regulation of the organization of public assemblies, especially when they take place in public. The result of this regulation which, although it does not expressly provide the condition of authorising the organization and the conduct of these public assemblies, contains it nevertheless by default, has implications on the problem of the administrative authorizations. This result is the specific manner of establishing a required authorization that is not included within the scope of express authorizations or in the one related to the tacit approval procedure, placed, as well as the latter, in the sphere of legal fictions. Whereas given the state of law and a genuine democracy it can not be explained the reaction of the authorities when they face the situation of spontaneous public assemblies, their regulation at legal level is required as well.
The administrative-jurisdictional procedure established by the Law No 159/2016 and detailed by the Decision No 1171/2016 has utility in a specific area, that of electronic communications. By regulating the procedure for settlement of disputes between the suppliers of public networks of electronic communications and the network operators, on the one hand, and, respectively, of the disputes between the suppliers of public networks of electronic communications and the persons holding by whatever title a physical infrastructure installed inside a building, on the other hand, the Decision No 1171/2016 stands out by provisions of novelty, such as ensuring the contradictoriality and orality of the procedure by distance communication means or by ensuring the public consultation of the preliminary solution given by the Commission within the procedure of settlement of dispute. Similarly, there can also be found procedures regulated in the common law as well, but also derogations in matters of material and territorial jurisdiction of the competent court to censor the legality of the administrative-jurisdictional act issued to settle the case.
Websites are part of our everyday lives, giving us access to information in all areas, old or new, short or complex, original or processed, but few people who are accessing websites know that the latter also have a „memory”: they are able to remember exactly who has accessed them, from what location they have been accessed and which were the preferences of the author. This memorization manifests itself by cookies – small size files that are stored on a user’s computer at the time when the latter uses the Internet network. They are created when the browser on the user’s computer loads a particular website. The user’s computer system accumulates a multitude of personal data as cookies, whose tasks are to identify the user’s person for an easier interaction with a website, this leading of a state of insecurity, invasion, violation of his own world – ultimately of the private life.
In the regulation of the new Criminal Procedure Code the recourse in cassation is an extraordinary legal remedy exercised only in cases expressly provided by law and only on grounds of unlawfulness. The recourse in cassation is the extraordinary remedy through which the interested parties or the prosecutor may request the High Court, in the conditions and for the reasons expressly and limitatively provided by law, to reform the final judgements in certain cases provided by law. Practically, the recourse in cassation is designed as an extraordinary legal remedy or otherwise, as a last level of jurisdiction within which the parties can defend their rights, by removing the effects of the final judgments pronounced under the conditions of the five cases of unlawfulness provided by Article 438 of the Criminal Procedure Code and does not involve the examination of all aspects of the case, but only the review of the legality of the contested judgment, respectively its consistency with the provisions of the applicable substantive and procedural law. We intend to present the five cases of recourse in cassation by an extensive examination of the doctrine and practice of the High Court of Cassation and Justice.
The archaeological sites – material forms of our past – are a finite and non-renewable resource of knowledge of our history, in a constant state of vulnerability to external factors that can lead to their irretrievable loss. Among these factors, the most destructive one that can be distinguished is the phenomenon of archaeological poaching as a source of supply to the national and international art markets. The illegal trafficking of cultural goods, often also involving activities of laundering of money or even of terrorism, is a widespread phenomenon worldwide. In order to fight it, the real protection offered to archaeological sites and museums, as well as ensuring the effectiveness of the instruments of international cooperation are the most effective means for defending the national cultural heritage.
In the same way as the institutional decision-making system of the European Union (the European Commission, the Council, the European Parliament) participating in the unional legislative mechanism (the procedures of adoption of the derived legislation of the European Union) has undergone, in an evolutive sense, permanent changes of reformatory nature, in favour of some elements specific to bicameralism (the Council – the European Parliament; the European Parliament – the Council), within the institutions that make up the jurisdictional system of the European Union we are also witnessing the same permanence of the concerns for institutional reform placed in the structural-organizational plan, but also in the one of the competences ratione materiae, ratione personae. All these occurred and still occur in close relation to the process of enlargement of the European Union, as well as to the multiplication of the areas which fall under the exclusive competences of the European Union and of those shared between the European Union and the Member States, correlated with the principles of subsidiarity, proportionality, conferral and loyal cooperation.
Scurte observații de ordin istoric. 1. Sahara Occidentală. Teritoriul Saharei Occidentale, aflat în nord-vestul Africii și situat între Maroc, Algeria, Mauritania și Oceanul Atlantic, este disputat cu statut incert în dreptul internațional. O parte însemnată din acest teritoriu este controlată de Maroc, fără ca Marocul să exercite toate atributele suveranității sale asupra acestui teritoriu, în timp ce o parte mai mică se află sub controlul Frontului Polisario (sprijinit de Algeria), mișcare de eliberare a Saharei Occidentale a cărei legitimitate a fost recunoscută de ONU. Acest teritoriu este de mulți ani în atenția ONU care a propus organizarea unui referendum în vederea autodeterminării sale sub controlul Națiunilor Unite. Referendumul nu a mai avut loc1