• In this article the author presents the journalistic portrait of a prominent representative of the Transylvanian intellectuals’ elite – Camil Velican, whose biography belongs to the model of Transylvanian Romanian intellectual from the turn of the 19th century to the 20th century. Following his family’s tradition, Camil Velican opted for legal studies, heading at first for the Hungarian capital, where he attended, at the Royal Hungarian University, the classes of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences (1897–1900). The model of the best Romanian students in Budapest attracted him to the Academic Society „Petru Maior”, where the talents of the national literature were formed. He continued his studies starting from 1900 at the „Ferenc József” University in Cluj, where he obtained his Ph.D. in Law in 1902, after which he dedicated himself to the profession of lawyer. Camil Velican was acknowledged as a prominent representative of the Romanian lawyer profession, a profession he practiced at the Bar of Alba, whose member he has been since 1903. With a rich political activity, he was the first Romanian Mayor of Alba Iulia after the Union of Transylvania with Romania on 1 December 1918. He had a successful career, both in administration and in the legal field, and he contributed, through his knowledge, to the economic and cultural development of the community to which he was fully committed. It must be noted that Alba Iulia was the first city where, on 20 November 1918, it was installed a Romanian administration, in which Camil Velican served as mayor. The activity in the role of mayor was a special one and contributed to the development of the city, which had become a very important one for the whole country, given the historical event which took place here. On 12 June 1937 it was prematurely interrupted the thread of a life during which he could have continued a prodigious activity in the most diverse areas of public life: politics, administration, economy, culture. Subsequently, under the communist regime, the name and activity of Camil Velican were intentionally forgotten, as well as of other achievers of the Great Union. Moreover, his family has been subject to some political persecution, specific to those regrettable old times. Even the change of paradigm in the Romanian society after 1989 did not change the old state of facts, the memory of the one who was Camil Velican being still ignored. Moreover, the house of the Velican family, which was one of the main places established for the reception of delegates and for assembly of the Transylvanian leaders in order to organize the day of 1 December 1918, continues to be nowadays in an unjustified and unjust state of decay.
  • The article presents the results of a research conducted in six European countries mainly on the analysis of the exceptional nature of preventive arrest within these jurisdictions. In this article there are presented the main results of the research conducted in Romania, research that was based on a series of interviews with judges, prosecutors and lawyers. The main areas investigated have concerned aspects such as the analysis of the decision-making process, the situation of the foreign citizens subject to preventive measures, the manner of application of alternative measures to preventive arrest, the analysis of the current criminal processual normative framework, as well as of the impact in the current practice of the European regulations, etc. The conclusions of the study are in the sense that in Romania there have been registered also some aspects representing progress in the sense of protection of the fundamental human rights in the cases where it is raised the question of taking some preventive measures in the criminal cases – such as the fact that the tendency, at least in terms of using the preventive arrest, is a decreasing one. However, major deficiencies have also been found, related to the organization of the initial and continuing training for magistrates, in the sense that they have been found to be unaware of judicial instruments important for their activity. It is precisely about instruments that are capable of improving the situation of foreign persons in relation to the state where it is raised the judicial matter – respectively the European Surveillance Order.
  • Marea Adunare Națională dela Alba-Iulia, din 18 Noembrie/1 Decembrie 1918, a îmbrăcat, mai presus de orice îndoială, caracterul de adunare constituantă. Alcătuită din reprezentanți ai Românilor din teritoriile aflate sub imperiul Marelui Sfat Național Român1 – representanți pe categorii profesionale și sociale pe de-o parte, pe circumscripțiuni electorale pe de alta2 ea a fost, în mod cert, icoana juridică a vrerei întregii suflări românești din Transilvania3. Grandioasele proporțiuni ale acestei adunări se reliefează ca un eveniment fără precedent în istoria noastră națională, ca un eveniment cu puțini corespondenți în cea universală. Voința națională și-a găsit o expresiune unică prin vigoarea cu care s’a manifestat – cu prilejul acestei zile memorabile.
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