• With the entry into force of the current Criminal Code, the Romanian legislator has eliminated the mixed regime of sanctions made of punishments and educational measures, provided by the old criminal regulation, in favour of a regime of sanctions exclusively consisting in educational measures. By this study, the author subjects the provisions specific to the educational measures involving deprivation of liberty regulated by Chapter III of Title V of the Criminal Code to a thorough analysis.
  • In the context of the new legal framework existing after the entry into force of the Law No 85/2014, this study analyzes the final table of claims and the contestations against it, by emphasizing the notable differences as compared to the old regulation – the Law No 85/2006 – and the importance of the final table of claims over the debtor’s estate in the insolvency procedure, as well as the exceptional character of the contestations against it. The registration of claims in the final table of claims against the debtor’s estate is generating rights for the creditors, and, consequently, the analysis and the thorough study of how this is produced, of the content of the final table of claims, of the time of its registration and publication, as well as of the rights and obligations of the participants in this procedure are essential. The contestations against the final table of claims have an exceptional character and the conditions in which these may be formulated are strictly, expressly and limitatively enumerated by the law. Under these circumstances, this legal remedy is approached from the perspective of the persons who may have the legal standing to file the contestation, from the perspective of the time limit for their submission – which appears as a highly opportune legislative novelty for the stability of the procedure – and, finally, from the perspective of the exceptional situations which may lead to the admission of such contestation.
  • In this study, it is analyzed the direct action of the mandator against the sub-mandatary, in light of the new Romanian Civil Code (the Law No 287/2009, republished on 15 July 2011). In this respect there are examined successively: the direct action in the legal relations arising from the contract of mandate, both under the old Romanian Civil Code (of 1864, in force until 30 September 2011) and under the influence of the new Civil Code (in force since 1 October 2011); the liability of the mandatary towards the mandator; the problem whether the mandatary and the sub-mandatary are jointly liable or not; the effects of the direct action of the mandator against the sub-mandatary and others.
  • In this study, the author makes an analysis of the provisions of Article 2319 of the new Romanian Civil Code, which entered into force on 1 October 2011, a text according to which „the personal guarantee ceases to exist following the death of the personal guarantor, although there is a contrary stipulation”, in relation to the general rules of principle of the Civil Code regarding the death of a contracting party (the natural person), respectively the cessation of the capacity of use (in case of the legal person). It is mentioned that the solution regulated by Article 2319 of the Romanian Civil Code did not exist in the previous Romanian Civil Code (of 1864), being taken from the Civil Code of the Province of Québec (Canada).
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