• For the correct qualification of an act of a servant who, in the exercise of his office duties, knowingly does not act or fails to act correctly, by misleading a person, presenting as true a false or misleading act or as false a true act, it is necessary to draw the line between fraud offence, involving a misleading activity, and the offense of abuse of office against private interests as malfeasance while in office, regarding which the question is whether it can be committed through acts of deceit and in case this possibility exists, if it will be considered abuse of office against private interests, or there are cases, although this special quality exists, it will be considered fraud offence.
  • In the article, the author claims that the settlement of the proposal for remand in custody in open session, although the law provides for the settlement in closed session, as well as a decision, even if it was made by the Registrar, in violation of the law, and did not cause essential harm, such as to justify annulment of the act, while the delivery order was made, that public notice of the solution given by the judge, are subject to relative nullity. Also, it was assessed that, during the settlement proposal for remand in custody is not necessary for the court to rule on the defense request to undertake, before the defendant, the obligation not to leave the city or country, the obligation of examining taking less intrusive preventive measures, being included in the analysis of the necessity of the remand in custody.
  • Potrivit art. 1491 C.pr.pen., procurorul, când considerã cã arestarea inculpatului este în interesul urmãririi penale, întocmeşte propunerea motivatã de luare a mãsurii arestãrii preventive a acestuia numai dupã ascultarea inculpatului în prezenţa apãrãtorului. În plus, conform art. 150 alin. 1 C.pr.pen., mãsura arestãrii inculpatului poate fi luatã numai dupã ascultarea acestuia de cãtre procuror şi de cãtre judecãtor, afarã de cazul când inculpatul se aflã în strãinãtate ori se sustrage de la urmãrire sau de la judecatã ori se aflã în una dintre situaţiile prevãzute în art. 1491 alin. 6 C.pr.pen. (cu notã criticã).
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