• The study reiterates, in other aspects, the previously conducted analysis of the autonomy of the labour law, having in view the preamble of a civil decision of the 7th Division for cases concerning labour and social insurance disputes, within the Court of Appeal of Bucharest. This preamble also states: „The provisions of the Civil Code have nature of general law, representing the common law in the matter of civil legal relations in a broader sense, a matter where the labour relations are also included.” This study shows that, if such a statement would be retained, this would mean to accept implicitly the inexistence of autonomy of the labour law. As a result, it briefly analyzes the main specific features of the labour relations compared to the civil ones, reiterating that the labour law is a mixed branch of law, autonomous, but not independent from the civil law, a component of the private law. The rules of the civil law apply, as rules of common law, only subsidiarily, in the absence of some specific regulations of labour law and unless this is contrary to the particularities of the legal labour relations.
  • This study focuses on the difficulties identified in the practice of the law courts which establishes the processual remedy made available by the criminal processual law assuming that two or more criminal judgments, on the same subject, were pronounced at different times. Thus, the judicial practice has outlined different visions in the qualification of the legal remedy given the proximity that may be encountered between the case of review on the irreconcilability of the judgments and the case of appeal for annulment on the infringement of the authority of res iudicata.
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