• The study analyzes the land registry actions covered by the Decree-Law No 115/1938, by the Law No 7/1996 and by the new Civil Code, the conditions of admissibility of these actions, their features and their effects, the differences of legal regimes being also presented. Thus, the advertising system based on land registries has in its content, in addition to its specificity, which gives it superiority in relation to the former system of advertising through registers of transcriptions-inscriptions and civil actions regulated in order to satisfy this superiority and which are intended to facilitate the civil legal circuit within that system. Likewise, the study also analyzes the correlation of these actions with the civil action in performing a sale and purchase preliminary contract, identifying the specificity of the correlation in different historical periods. The specificity of the land registry actions is presented also from the perspective of the application of the civil law over time, evoking the incidence of a temporary law in this field.
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