• The social reaction against low severity felonies ask for finding solutions alternative to criminal penalties. The legislator of the new Criminal Code, waiving the institution of absence of the felony’s social danger and replacement of criminal liability, has adopted, for the argument of criminal prosecution, on grounds of the principle of opportunity of exercising criminal action, the institution of waiver of criminal prosecution, and, in terms of substantive criminal law, waiver by the court law of the penalty enforcement. Both institutions, new as concepts in the Romanian criminal legislation, are practically instruments of non-penalization of the actual felony and replacement of criminal liability with an administrative liability, by enforcing administrative sanctions as alternatives for criminal penalties. The regulation of these new institutions, according to the author’s opinion, can however be criticized both in terms of preserving the rights of the injured persons and by the fact that the prosecutor’s assessment powers are far more extended than those of the court of law.
  • The article includes some considerations regarding the procedural dispositions concerning the purpose of criminal lawsuit, as regulated in the Code of Criminal Procedure. The author analyzes the dispositions of the new Code of Criminal Procedure which establishes the purpose of the rules of criminal procedure, by reference to the dispositions of the Code of Criminal Procedure in force where the purpose of criminal lawsuit is established.
  • The concept of complex offence is not defined by law, excepting a few European legal systems, such as, for instance, the Romanian and Italian legislation. In the majority of legislations, the term complex offence is approached only by the specialty literature, like the cases of German, Spanish or French law. Non-regulation of the institution of complex offence through a legal provision has however resulted in an uncertainty with respect to its content, as the authors have different opinions regarding this matter.
  • Cererea în despãgubire din valoarea cauțiunii este o cerere contencioasã, care presupune examinarea elementelor rãspunderii civile delictuale sub aspectul exercițiului abuziv al acțiunii, al prejudiciului produs și al legãturii de cauzalitate dintre paguba pricinuitã și conduita procesualã a pãrþii, competența de soluționare a unei astfel de acțiuni patrimoniale fiind reglementatã de dispozițiile generale cuprinse în cartea I din Codul de procedurã civilã (Înalta Curte de Casaþie și Justiție, Secția comercialã, decizia nr. 4170 din 30 noiembrie 2010).
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