• Atunci când se instituie măsuri asigurătorii în procesul penal nu este necesar să se indice sau să se dovedească ori să se individualizeze bunurile asupra cărora se înființează măsura asiguratorie. (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Completul pentru dezlegarea unor chestiuni de drept, Decizia nr. 19/2017 – cu notă critică)
  • The legal circulation of lands has raised for discussion the necessity of adoption of a normative act which would provide for the alienation of lands, the conditions for acquiring the right to private ownership over lands, but also the possibility for foreign citizens, stateless persons and foreign legal persons to acquire the right to private ownership over the lands in Romania. Thus, it was adopted the Law No 312/2005 on the acquisition of the right of private ownership over the lands by the foreign citizens and stateless persons, as well as by the foreign legal persons. Then, it was also adopted the Law No 17/2014 on certain measures regulating the sale and purchase of the agricultural lands situated outside the built-up area and amending the Law No 268/2001 on the privatization of trading companies which have under administration lands in the public and private ownership of the state with agricultural destination and on the establishment of the Agency of State Domains.
  • In this article, the authors analyze the legal rules of the Romanian law, with reference to those of the European Union and having regard to the national and European judicial practice, as well as the legal provisions in the comparative law on the interdiction to dismiss the pregnant employees. They point out to the inconsistencies in the national law and to the insufficient regulation, which creates confusions in the practice of the employers and of the courts, they note that our legislator did not make a full transposition of Directive 92/85/EEC and, unlike the law of other countries, it does not indicate all (exceptional) situations where the dismissal of the pregnant employees might still occur.
  • By the provisions of Article 657 (2) of the Civil Code it is regulated the situation in which the destruction of a smaller part of a building takes place, destruction that does not affect the building as a whole nor in a proportion of no more than half of its value, in which situation the co-owners are bound to contribute to the restoration of the common parts proportionally to the quota-share of each of them. The law establishes the obligativity of those co-owners who either do not want or can not participate in the restoration, to assign the quota-shares of the right of forced joint ownership to the other co-owners, meaning that it establishes a modality of extinguishing the right of private property, which, in our opinion, is likely to give rise to some situations that are hard to accept.
  • Article 2 (3), respectively Article 4 (1) a) and b) (iii) of the Law No 213/2015 only indicates the general characteristics of the insurance claim and of the insurance creditor – the injured person, in that the indemnity must be based on the insurance contract and the damage suffered must be the consequence of the occurrence of a risk covered by an insurance contract of civil liability. Hospital units must demonstrate that the rights they claim have been definitively classed by a court as representing compensation due under an MTPL insurance contract to a person injured by the automobile accident. The court cannot give a further legal characterization of those rights (in the sense that the damage is not the result of the accident and that the compensation is not due under the insurance contract) because it would amount to contradicting the earlier judgment and to cancel an existing right recognized to hospital units. This right must be considered as complying with the provisions of the Law No 213/2015 and hence opposable, even by the effect of the Law No 213/2015, to the Guarantee Fund for the Insured.
  • This study addresses, from a practical perspective, the freezing order referred to in the Law No 302/2004 on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters and presents some of the steps to be taken by the criminal investigation bodies from tracing an asset for which there is an associated alert, in accordance with the Decision 2007/533/JHA of the Council of Europe of 12 June 2007 on the establishment, operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II), and by the recognition and enforcement of the freezing order.
  • A decision pronounced for the settlement of an appeal in the interest of the law by the High Court of Cassation and Justice (No 25 of 6 November 2017) brings to attention the inadequate perception by the Romanian jurisdictions of the particularities of these administrative acts of urbanism and, consequently, the recourse to procedural artifices inappropriate for solving some problems arisen in practice. In this case, for the separate exercise of the control on the legality of the urbanism certificate „by which the prohibition to build has been ordered or which includes other limitations”, the right of access to justice has been invoked [Article 6 of the (European) Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms], ignoring the legal nature of this act as individual urbanism administrative act that would, under certain conditions, have led to the same solution, but on another legal basis. In addition, it would be avoided the misconception that the certificate would order or that it would contain per se prohibitions/limitations of the right to build, this doing nothing else but take over, express and inform about the urban planning requirements included in the urbanism documentations.
  • Pentru existența faptei prevăzute de art. 337 C.pen., refuzul sau sustragerea trebuie să privească supunerea la prelevarea de mostre biologice, spre deosebire de vechea reglementare a faptei, unde se prevedea că acțiunea autorului putea să se refere și la refuzul sau sustragerea de la supunerea testării aerului expirat.
  • Prin arvonă (arrha)1 se înțelege ceea ce una din părțile contractante, în genere cumpărătorul (art. 1297, 1298 C. C.) sau locatarul (art. 1416), dă celeilalte, fie pentru a asigura executarea contractului (arrha confirmatoria), fie pentru a’și procura mijlocul de a se putea desista de el (arrha paenitentialis).
  • This article presents the procedural features of the principle non reformatio in pejus in civil procedural area. It aims to concentrate the main theoretical and practical concepts exposed during the time, relating to the limits of this principle. Finally, the study is dedicated to analyze the real interference between different peremptory rules, which govern the appeal, and the principle analyzed.
  • In this study there are presented the main scientific arguments that can be taken into account for promoting a new discipline, as sub-branch of the Romanian criminal law, namely the criminal law of transports. For the scientific arguing of this approach, there have been briefly examined the system of Romanian law, the syntagms of branch, sub-branch and institution of our law. As regards the criminal law, reference has been made to the two parts, to some institutions and to the possibility of recognizing the criminal law of transports as sub-branch of the Romanian law. Likewise, within the scientific approach, it has been carried out a brief examination of the criminal law norms specific to the safety of traffic and of transports from Romania, insisting on the necessity of grouping them into a distinct normative act, recommending even a code of transports. The examination has considered the main elements of similarity between criminal law norms specific to the four domains of the national system of transports, namely: road, railway, naval and air.
  • This paper starts from the finding that there is currently no clear criterion for distinguishing between the offences against bodily integrity or health and attempted murder and, as a result, the practice in this matter is contradictory. As a solution, it proposes to adopt the criterion of causal aptitude of the action, while emphasizing, at the same time, that the adoption of this criterion requires that the psychological theory of guilt be abandoned.
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