• Part of EU law – both primary and especially secondary – waste problem is a complex multi-faceted one in its aspects. Since the first programs of action on the environment (EAP) – the first (1973–1977), the second (1977–1983) – to the last, the seventh such program (2013–2020) entitled A better environment for a better life, the challenge of waste is dealt with either issue on its own, or as part of wider objectives. Whatever the approach, solving subordinates to old or new principles of environmental law as formulated in the first EAP and then developed in other programs of action. These are: prevention is better than cure; EIA should be considered at an early stage of decision making; exploitation of nature by means of causing significant damage to the ecological balance should be avoided; scientific knowledge must be improved to allow for appropriate action; „polluter pays” principle, the polluter should bear the cost of prevention and environmental restoration after damage thereto; activities of a Member State shall not cause damage to the environment of other States.
  • The study proposes the analysis of a jurisprudential solution from the perspective of the regulations on the tort civil liability for the prejudices caused by things in order to signal the recognition of the reparable nature of some new categories of prejudices. The arguments exposed are substantiated on the regulation of the Civil Code, but also on the opinions expressed in the classical and contemporary doctrine, supporting the need to ensure the full reparation of all prejudices caused to the victim.
  • The present study begins with the analysis of the texts of Article 630 of the Civil Code, where there can be found the legal relevant provisions, followed by some considerations regarding the origin of the civil liability for the abnormal neighbourhood inconveniences under the influence of the old Civil Code. Furthermore, the author appreciates that, at present, from the economy of the texts of Article 630 of the Civil Code, it results that the civil liability in question is of two types: reparative and preventive. Further on the scope of this liability is circumscribed. For this purpose, on the one hand, it is established the sphere of the persons between whom it can be engaged, and, on the other hand, there are determined and qualified the neighbourhood inconveniences that can generate it. An important and ample space is conferred to the analysis of the conditions that must be met for the existence of this liability, as well as to the detection of its theoretical foundation. Thus, in the reparative variant, the existence and the engagement of civil liability requires to cumulatively meet three conditions; two of them are the general conditions of any reparative civil liability – damage and relation of causality – and a special or particular one, which is the abnormal neighbourhood inconvenience caused to the victim, directly or indirectly, personally or by another, by the owner or owners of one of the neighbouring buildings. Therefore, it can be easily established that the fault or guilt, proven or presumed, of the neighbouring owner or of other persons, who exercise the attributes of the property right, over or beyond its normal limits, is not a necessary condition of engaging this reparative civil liability. Consequently, the problem of the theoretical foundation of liability is also solved legislatively, in the sense that we are in the presence of an objective civil liability, without the guilt of the liable person or of other persons, according to Article 630 (1) of the Civil Code.
  • The doctoral studies consist of two components developed under the guidance of a doctoral coordinator, namely a training programme based on advanced university studies, as well as an individual scientific research programme. The doctorate is finalised with the public presentation of a paper elaborated by the doctoral student. The doctoral thesis must demonstrate to have the advanced scientific knowledge of the topic addressed, must contain elements of originality in the development or solving of the topic, as well as modalities of scientific validation thereof. In order to fulfil the condition of public presentation of the doctoral thesis it is required an evaluation both from the guidance commission within the doctoral school and from the commission of public presentation of the doctoral thesis within the doctoral school. Evaluation is a complex process, which has as finality to form the belief that the doctoral studies have achieved their purpose by certifying the merit, value, meaning of the respective paper. The failure to comply with good conduct in research, including the plagiarizing of the results or publications of other authors, producing results or replacing the results with fictitious data, brings about the failure to obtain the agreement of public presentation of the paper. The legal nature of liability for violating the rules of deontology in the preparation of doctoral thesis is diverse, from the disciplinary liability to the criminal liability.
  • The relation between the civil servant and the public authority or institution in which he occupies the public office arises and is exercised on the basis of the unilateral administrative act of appointment, issued according to the legal provisions, and not by a contractual act. That is why the public function and the status of the civil servant have been regulated in the public law, separately from the labour relations specific to the private law, at the same time also determining the establishment of a specific sanctioning system, which takes into account the distinctive features of the way in which the public office is exercised. In this study there are analysed, from a dual perspective, theoretical and practical, the conditions of each form of the legal liability governed by the administrative law. At the same time, we also consider the cumulation of the disciplinary liability with other forms of legal liability of the civil servant for the damaging consequences of his deeds. A few aspects of novelty brought by the codification of the legislation on the liability of the civil servants in the Draft Administrative Code complete our research.
  • Throughout more than 150 years of constitutional history in Romania, the Romanian constitutions have provided the modality of engaging the liability of the ministers for their activity. This article aims to make a brief analysis of how it was regulated the liability of ministers in the various constitutions which Romania has adopted over time and of the relation between the political and legal liability of ministers in the Romanian law, starting from the practical realities of recent years. Although, traditionally, in the constitutional law it is made a clear distinction between the political and legal liability, in practice, the boundary between the two types of liability is questionable, especially from the perspective of the legal classification of these types of liability. If the political liability is considered to be that liability of ministers before the Parliament for their political activity which may result in the loss of confidence and the removal from the office of minister, the legal liability has in view how a minister should bear the consequences of the law, by his prosecution and indictment.
  • In this article the author, starting from a case settled by the courts, refers to the patrimonial liability of the legal advisers. In essence, he points out that in the exercise of their profession, they undertake the obligation of means (of diligence), in the sense that they have the duty to make all the necessary diligence, all their (professional) knowledge and efforts so that the expected outcome be achieved. In the contrary hypothesis however, when acting negligently, unprofessionally, etc. and cause damages, the legal advisers will be liable in terms of patrimony (on civil-contractual terms) to their employers.
  • An employment contract is decisively characterized by the relationship of subordination between the parties, which distinguishes it from a civil contract. The reclassification of a civil contract as having the legal nature of an employment contract can be done by the labour law court, by the fiscal control body and, more recently, even by the labour inspector. The paper analyzes the criteria under which such reclassification can intervene, what are its traps and its effects. It is finalized with a series of proposals aimed at simplifying the reclassification operation, as well as providing legal certainty.
  • Cititorii Dreptului au luat cunoștință de proiectul de lege relativ la noua modificare a legii Curții de Casație, în scopul reînființării recursului direct în materie de contencios administrativ, în expunerea de motive a d-lui M. Cantacuzino, ministrul justiției, ce am distribuit în supliment. Publicăm aici și raportul d-lui Petre Missir, care este un document luminos asupra legii propuse, aflată în discuția Senatului.
  • The examination of the constitutionality of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 134/2005 has significant implications as regards the legality of the activity of one of the fundamental institutions of the State, which was established for the discovery and punishment of corruption actions. The authors intend to bring clarifications regarding this matter and the need to remove any doubts regarding the complete constitutionality of the AntiCorruption General Directorate.
  • What we intended on this occasion is to discuss the rules that are used to determine in the concrete situations, related to the case, the legal inheritors of de cuius and the meanings of these rules. The topic seems interesting to us, because on the way in which it is dealt with, on the answers given to some questions, which are raised or can be raised in this regard, depend the adequate theoretical perspective and the rigor of determining of the inheritors in a given case, not only of the lawful ones, but also of the testamentary successors, each category of heirs being able, either alone or with the other, to access the inheritance.
  • The momentary transformations taking place in the Republic of Moldova have as objective to adjust the national legislation to the international standards, in which the way of solving the co-relation between the interests of the person and the State’s interests is made at optimum level. Contradictoriality has a special importance on the whole part of the criminal procedure system, determining, in many directions, the weight of the legal status, the relations of opposition or collaboration between the participants in the criminal trial, as well as the legal relationships established between the participants in the trial and the court of law.
  • The new Criminal Code has introduced the imputability as essential feature of the offence. In the current meaning, imputability also includes guilt. Nevertheless, the legislator has mentioned also guilt as essential feature of the offence, together with imputability. The author analyzes to what extent the two essential features of the offence are complementary or exclude each other.
  • In this study we are making reference to the refusal to accept the bill of exchange and the extraordinary acceptance in the Republic of Moldova and Romania. By accepting the bill of exchange, the drawer becomes the principal debtor and, consequently, the bill of exchange must be presented to him. In case the drawee refuses the acceptance of the bill of exchange, the statement of refusal must be ascertained, within the time limits set for presentation on acceptance, by an act drawn up. Normally, the acceptance of the bill of exchange is made by the drawee. In the case of refusal of acceptance from the drawee, in order to protect the interests of the holder of the bill of exchange, the law regulates the possibility for a person other than the drawee to accept the bill of exchange. Such an extraordinary acceptance avoids the initiation of the action for regress.
  • In principle, except for the emergency situations, it is requested the consent from the parents in order to apply a medical treatment to the minor patient, being essential the minor’s interest and the protection of the minor, of his life and health. In the study there are analysed the legal consequences of having a medical malpractice case for the deed of a physician who, in some situations, applies to a minor patient who is part of the Religious Organization „Jehovah’s Witnesses”, a religious cult recognized by the law in Romania, a treatment based on the blood transfusion, provided that there is a refusal of the parents, who are Jehovah’s Witnesses, on religious grounds1. Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse the treatment based on transfusions of allogenic blood. It must be pointed out the difference between the major person, who is part of the Religious Organization „Jehovah’s Witnesses”, who refuses blood transfusion treatment, requesting treatments alternative to blood transfusion, based on the principle of self-determination and individual autonomy, and the situation involving a refusal of the treatment from the parent for the minor patient (who can not give an informed consent, either because he has no discernment, being under 14 years old, or because he is in the growing up process, 14–18 years old), who is sometimes in a medical condition with risks to his or her health or life, and the physician appeciates that medical treatment based on blood transfusion must be administered, even against the refusal of the minor’s parents, with risks of engaging his liability for medical malpractice.
  • This study proposes an analysis of the regulation of the institution of return by right of ownership of land located in the built-up area, with particular reference to the interpretation of the provisions of Article 25 (1) of the Law No 18/1991, amended, supplemented and republished. In the thematic approach, there are presented a series of reasons meant to clarify the legal content of the terminology of the text, emphasizing the jurisprudential meaning of the syntagms used by the legislator. Thus, the notions of reconstitution, constitution and return by right of ownership are analyzed distinctly, showing that the text of law in question is incidental both in the assumption that the agricultural cooperative of production has attributed lots for use in the gardens located in the built-up area of the former owners to third parties, cooperative members who were not the owners of that land, and in the assumption that such lots were attributed to the former owners themselves, who became members of C.A.P., either on the same site, in continuation of the 250 square meters of personal property, according to the regulations of that time (the dwelling house and household dependencies, the land on which they were located and the yard), or on another site in the built-up area. Some critical remarks are made on some approaches coming from a land fund county commission, but also from the court, which, in our opinion, did not take into account the conceptual efforts of the doctrine and the judicial practice in the matter. We are convinced that reading this study will effectively contribute to the reduction to evanescence of the risk of bringing prejudice to the real protection guaranteed by the legal order in the field of establishment, defence and exercise of the legitimate rights and interests of the persons covered by this text of law.
  • The postponing of the application of punishment is an institution recently introduced in the Criminal Code, creating problems of interpretation both in the doctrine and in the judicial practice, especially on two levels: the terminology used and the systematization of the substantive and procedural provisions in the legislation. These issues affect the institutions of the revocation and annulment of postponing the application of punishment.
  • The stages of the civil trial are: (i) the stage of referral to the court of law (written or initiating the civil trial), (ii) the stage of inquiry of the trial, (iii) the stage of debate on the merits of the trial, (iv) the stage of deliberation and (v) the stage of delivery. The accomplishment of the act of justice in civil matters is materialized through court sittings (which may be public, or in which only the parties participate, or not public, in the cases provided by law) and internal administrative stages carried out by the panel of judges (such as the checking and regularisation of the application). Publicity is a fundamental principle of the civil trial stated by the provisions of Article 17 of the Civil Procedure Code and by Article 12 of the Law No 304/2004, republished. The failure to ensure the publicity of the court sitting brings about the sanction of absolute nullity not conditioned by the existence of an injury under Article 174 (2) by reference to Article 176 point 5 of the Civil Procedure Code. The delivery of the judgment shall usually take place in public sitting, according to Article 402 of the Civil Procedure Code, or, as an exception, by making the solution available to the parties through the mediation of the registry office, pursuant to Article 396 (2) of the same Code, in the assumption that the delivery was postponed (premise condition) for justified reasons and the chairman of the panel has indicated expressis verbis this modality of putting the solution at the disposal of the parties. The delivery of the judgment, as the last processual stage, according to the Civil Procedure Code, can not take place otherwise than by means of a public court sitting, according to the principle of publicity, to which the chairman or a member of the panel of judges read the minutes, also indicating the means of appeal which can be exercised. The fact that the parties understand or not to make use of their right to appear in court (as in the case of other processual stages) does not in any way affect the obligation of the panel of judges to comply with the express provisions of the law in respect of the processual stage of delivery, since there is no such distinction in the law, and ubi lex non distinguit nec non distinguere debemus. In addition, the completion of this final stage of the civil trial is necessary for the parties to make use of their right to formulate orally the means of appeal provided by law, according to Article 126 of the Internal rules of the courts of law of 2015, concluding in this respect a minutes signed by the president of the panel and by the registrar of the sitting.
  • The neutral power, i.e. a power that is situated outside the three powers derived from the organisation of the state on the basis of the principle of separation of powers, was conceived and institutionalised in various ways. One of them transforms the Head of State into a power that distances itself from political games and the separation of powers. The Head of State plays the role of balancing power and that of mediator between legislative, executive and jurisdictional powers and between state and society. The following article examines the role of the Head of State as neutral power in the constitutional history of Romania and in the 1991 Constitution.
  • The most controversial aspect in the criminal judicial practice, in the situation of invoking the plea of relative nullity of a criminal processual act, is to prove the existence of a processual injury and, related thereto, to prove the sufficient seriousness of the injury caused to the party or to the main processual subject which justifies the cancellation of the act. Most of the times, the party or the subject that invokes the nullity is put in the extremely difficult position to persuade the judicial body that processual injury is sufficiently serious to justify the drastic sanction of nullity. That is why we have considered that it is required a thorough assessment with regard to the standard of probation of injury, of proving the sufficient seriousness of the injury suffered in order to bring about the sanction of nullity. The conclusion we have reached is that the processual injury suffered is sufficient to bring about the sanction of nullity when the violation of the processual rights or guarantees of the parties or of the subjects puts them in the position to no longer be able to defend themselves with the same chance they would have defended themselves if their processual rights had not been infringed.
  • At the same time with the change of the jurisdiction of the courts vested with the solving of the applications for relocation in the new Civil Procedure Code1, the incidence of a particular situation was ignored: the subsistence of the reasons for relocation also at level of the courts of appeal competent to solve the relocation applications, when the relocation is requested from a court of first instance or a tribunal located in the same locality as the court of appeal, and the legitimate suspicion has sources well-anchored at local level. The High Court of Cassation and Justice was not late in „completing” this omission, by admitting an application for relocation of a relocation process, from the court of appeal in the locality where there were suspicions of lack of impartiality to another court of appeal, contributing, a fortiori, indirectly to the relocation of the substantive litigation to another court, away from the local sphere which did not provide sufficient guarantees of independence of justice.
  • The funeral expenses are borne either from the estate left by the deceased, or by the person who contracted this obligation, or who has been entrusted by will with the task of settling the funeral. Also, the person who is responsible for the act which caused the expenses is usually obliged to pay them back. As such, this short study presents the notions of funeral and commemoration expenses from the perspective of the persons obliged to bear them.
  • In this study the author analyzes the provisions of the new normative act on regulating the activity of teleworking, namely of that form of organization of work „by which the employee, on a regular and voluntary basis, fulfils the specific attributions of his/her position, occupation or trade, elsewhere than the workplace organized by the employer, at least one day per month, using the information and communications technology”. Due attention is paid to the individual labour contract, having such an object, to its specific content, to the rights and obligations of the parties, to the contraventional liability in case of non-compliance with the legal norms. The study emphasizes the advantages and benefits of teleworking both for employers and for employees.
  • Privileged wills are sometimes viewed as an anachronism. In civil law systems such as Romania or France, the freedom of disposition is limited by certain institutions (e.g. the hereditary reserve and the forced heirship), while this is not the case in common law jurisdictions. Nevertheless, civil and common law systems inherited the Roman notion that in some extraordinary circumstances the testator should be allowed to bypass the rigid formalities required for the validity of a will. In turn, civil law systems view such privileged wills as a rather simplified version of the notarial form, while English law fully lifts the written requirement for these cases. The purpose of the current article is to prove the enduring relevance of privileged wills in the contemporary world through an analysis of their origins, current regulation and prospects.
  • This paper addresses the matter subordinated to the substantive competence of settlement, during the criminal investigation phase, of the cases in which, initially under the competence of the D.I.I.C.O.T., the procedure of disjunction intervenes. His authors conclude that the provisions of Article 11 (3) of the Government Emergency Ordinance No 78/2016 must in no way be interpreted as being enacted in order to arbitrarily prorogue a prosecutor’s competence, but only for the purpose of the proper administration of justice, purpose to which any decision of disjunction must be subordinated.
  • The attenuating circumstance of the challenge is provided by the Criminal Code in force in Article 75 (1) a). By the challenging act of illegitimate nature it is affected the physical integrity or dignity of the person, so that, although punished by the criminal law, the offender’s deed is merely a reaction, a disproportionate response to an illegitimate action or inaction. The challenge can only be retained if the conditions relating to the offence committed under the auspices of a powerful disorder or emotion, respectively the conditions relating to the challenging act are cumulatively met. Without claiming to exhaust the subject, the paper aims to emphasize also some controversies regarding: the proportionality and the time interval between the challenging act and the offence; the distinction between the challenge and some justificative causes or causes of non-imputability; the possibility of retaining the challenge concurrently with the premeditation.
  • In this study we have analyzed the effects of the situation of incompatibility in which the local elected representatives, especially the mayors, can be found, as this situation has been established by the prefect or by the National Integrity Agency through the evaluation report. Thus, in the first case, finding the incompatibility entails the lawful cessation of the mayor’s mandate, if he will not renounce the incompatible function within the time limit provided by the law, and, in the latter case, the state of incompatibility has as consequence the prohibition of the person declared incompatible to fill an eligible position for a period of 3 years from the date of cessation of the current mandate or, respectively, from the date of the final assessment report of the National Integrity Agency. In other words, not even if the National Integrity Agency establishes it, the state of incompatibility is not an implacable reason for lawful cessation of the mayor’s mandate, but, on the contrary, it can avoid such a consequence by renouncing the incompatible function within the same period provided by the law in case the incompatibility is established by the prefect.
  • Recognition of the adherence of leniency to the legal phenomenon or its inclusion in the extrajuridical field is determined by the nature of philosophicalmaterialist or idealist conceptions. Amnesty and pardon are based on the socio-political grounds and have as foundation the feelings of gentleness, magnanimity, compassion. Justice is the ideal state of society, achievable by ensuring, for each separately and for everyone together, the enjoyment of legitimate rights and interests. The fundamental components or values of the notion of justice are: righteousness, social utility, legal certainty. The concept of leniency is related to all the three elements. By its very name, its functions and its purpose, the law must be based on the idea of righteousness. The essence of the idea of righteousness is to treat similar cases equally and different cases in distinct ways. The exercise of leniency is closely related to the principle of justice. Social utility means to organize a community to ensure the good of everyone and of each separately. The same social utility claiming punishment sometimes justifies the abandonment of punishment or forgiveness thereof. Legal security designates that state of safety of individuals and of society as conferred by the legal normativity by complying with its prescriptions. Although it is sometimes considered that leniency means bankruptcy in criminal justice, the legal certainty will never be affected if leniency acts are consistent with a rational legal conscience and does not harm the rights of the injured parties by committing the offence. Amnesty and pardon are not directed against legal certainty, but, on the contrary, they are put to the service of the common good, which is a proof of trust and a means of protecting the citizens. The three components of the idea of justice – righteousness, social utility and legal certainty – are in a tensed state. Amnesty and pardon are called to detension and harmonize these relations. Leniency is not in antithesis with the law, but it is inevitable for its completion.
  • This study presents the divergent case law generated by the current insufficient regulation of the legal regime of burial plots and funeral constructions, such as burial vaults and crypts. While some courts admit the assignment of the tomb to one heir, others consider that the concession right over the burial plot and the funeral constructions bears upon a forced and perpetual indivisibility which excludes the division. As a solution, it proposes a clarification of the legal regime applicable to funeral concessions and the explicit regulation of the use of underground burial vaults, especially from the perspective of the exclusive right to be buried in a particular crypt.
  • The legislative unification was the main national project of the Unified Romania. The necessity of achieving this project was emphasized starting right with the days immediately following the declarations of unification of the representatives of the three historical provinces (Basarabia, Bucovina and Transylvania) with the Old Kingdom, and the effort for its achievement continued, in a sinuous dynamics, until after the fatidic year 1940. With very few exceptions, the jurists across the country have declared to be in favour of the legislative unification, regardless of the fact that their opinion has been expressed from the chair, in university studies and classes, in the activity of the unification commissions or of the Legislative Council or in the pretorium of justice.
  • Acțiunea tatălui de a-l extrage pe fiul său minor dintr-un mediu impropriu dezvoltării armonioase fizice și psihice de la domiciliul stabilit provizoriu de instanța de judecată la mamă nu constituie infracțiunea de lipsire de libertate în mod ilegal, prevăzută de art. 205 alin. (1), (2) și (3) lit. b) C.pen., și nici infracțiunea de nerespectare a măsurilor privind încredințarea minorului, prevăzută de art. 379 C.pen. (cu notă aprobativă).
  • The interpretative solution provided by the High Court of Cassation and Justice – Panel for the settlement of some matters of criminal law by the operative part of the Decision No 15/2018, according to which „after the transfer of the person convicted by the foreign judicial authorities, in order to continue the execution of the punishment in Romania, the length of the punishment considered by the state of conviction as executed on the basis of the performed work and of good conduct, granted as benefit in favour of the convicted person, by the foreign judicial authority, must not be deducted from the punishment which is executed in Romania”, has lost its validity and binding effect both as a result of delivery of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union – Grand Chamber of 8 November 2016 in the Case C-554/14 and as a result of the entry into force of the amendments brought to the provisions of Article 144 (1) of the Law No 302/2004 by the Law No 236/2017.
  • The study discusses in a precise manner and with a careful observation of the perception of the judicial practice on this issue how it is possible or how one should proceed to the verification of the legality of the probative procedures in the preliminary chamber phase. At the same time, with pertinent doctrinal arguments, the author of the study proposes an extension of the limits of verification of the legality of the probative procedures and with regard to the validity of the authorization issued by a judge of rights and liberties during the criminal investigation phase.
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