• In this article the author analyzes the procedure of individual complaint of the citizens before the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany as it is regulated in the Federal Constitution and in the special law on the constitutional control court. The constitutional text provides that the procedure in question is a legal means of appeal with the purpose of defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. Specifically, any person who claims that one of his rights or one of his freedoms enshrined in the Basic Law has been violated by an authority exercising public power may address the federal constitutional court. The author analyzes the procedure of individual complaint and separates it from other constitutional procedures.
  • The article briefly analysis a series of implications of transparency principle in public procurement. Firstly, the article highlights a legal loophole determined by the absence of a legal definition of this principle in the main internal enactment. The practical applicability of this principle is shown both at the regulation level and the case law. To sum up, the transparency principle imposes drafting all the relevant information for an award procedure in a precise, clear and unequivocally manner and communication of the said information to all third parties. Transparency creates the premises of equality of treatment between bidders and subsequently allows an accurate verification of compliance with the said rules.
  • Principiul Separațiunii Puterilor Statului, care a avut o influență considerabilă în viața și organizarea constituțională a tuturor Statelor moderne, și-a avut și el – ca și oricare alt așezământ omenesc – viața și destinul lui.
  • Înscrierile în cartea funciară nu au caracter constitutiv/translativ, ci numai efecte de opozabilitate față de terți (art. 25 din Legea nr. 7/1996 arată că „înscrierile în cartea funciară își vor produce efecte de opozabilitate față de terți...”). Astfel, această lege asigură publicitatea imobilului și nu are efecte constitutive/translative ale dreptului de proprietate. (...)
  • Presumptions have been playing an important role in the civil trial, their necessity and utility being recognized both in the doctrine and in the judicial practice. Recently, in order to remove any doubt about the quality of means of evidence of the presumptions, the legislator of the Civil Procedure Code enumerates them among the means of evidence and, at the same time, establishes their legal regime, and the legislator of the Civil Code has extended the scope of the legal presumptions. The reason behind these regulations is based precisely on the necessity to find out the truth also in the cases in which the judge does not have available direct evidence. Certainly, as we have stated on another occasion, the presumptions are indirect means of evidence, as the conclusions drawn imply eo ipso the prior proof of a fact that is neighbouring and related to the unknown fact. As we shall further show, the Romanian legislator has understood to classify the presumptions into legal (established by law) and judicial or simple (left to the enlightments and wisdom of the judge), with the mention that, in this study, we shall refer in particular to the legal presumptions.
  • The extension of the preventive arrest is one of the instruments available to the judicial bodies in order to remove some threats to public order, undermining at the same time a fundamental right of the defendant, the right to freedom. The procedure of extension of the preventive arrest must respect the right to a fair trial, as regulated in the international conventions and the internal provisions. This article analyzes the possibility of breaching the principles of equality of arms and of equality of treatment in the procedure of judging the contestation against the decision to extend the preventive arrest measure.
  • Part of our daily lives, light pollution enjoys less media coverage than other, more serious environmental issues, like climate change, air pollution, desertification of many areas of land, illegal deforestation of huge areas of forest land. We are talking about light pollution when artificial lights are everywhere – through billboards, street lighting, etc. – and such intensity that it changes the levels of natural lighting the night, with negative impacts on human health and biodiversity.
  • This study aims at advancing solutions in view of correctly construing and interpreting certain provisions regulated under Law No 303/2004 on the status of judges and public prosecutors, in view of determining whether ex-judges and public prosecutors are entitled to benefit from the recalculation of their service pensions as a result of reaping the length of service obtained from practicing as lawyers, after retirement.
  • Through this study, the author starts from the monistic regulation of the current Civil Code, raising for discussion the possibility of adopting a new Commercial Code, which should include all the essential regulations of the special laws in force, with regard to the legal relations in which those who pursue professional activities participate, regulations on the special status of the participants in the legal relations intended for professional activities, the trading companies and the trading professionals who are natural persons, regulations on the contracts and guarantees specific to professional activities (leasing contract, franchise contract, banking contracts and guarantees), regulations on credit titles, the regulation of the insolvency procedure, updated for all areas of professional activity.
  • This study discusses a novel issue in the field of theory and case law of the criminal law. It deals with the necessity to apply the complementary punishment of prohibiting the exercise of the right to pursue the activity of babysitter in the case of the persons who, acting in this capacity, have committed the offence of theft of goods located in the building in which they had access. The author claims that such necessity exists because, in this way, those persons will no longer be able to commit offences acting in the capacity they had throughout the incidence thereof.
  • Accepting co-authorship in the commission of acts with basic intent has represented, sine die, a permanent struggle for scholars since the adoption of the 1968 Criminal Code. Both the literature and the judiciary have had divergent positions. In the present paper, the purpose is to assess all factors that can lead to a positive or negative answer to the question: Is co-authorship compatible with basic-intent? The analysis will be divided: the national status-quo versus the alternative solution, respectively the German one. In the national arena, the existing arguments and the foundations for the possible envisioned outcomes will be discussed. Within the German framework, the institution of Nebentäterschaft will be assessed in a comparative approach, underlying similarities and differences when compared to the Romanian framework. Finally, a personal note will be added to the mix.
  • Paulian action represents, alongside oblique action and direct action, one of the most important means of protecting creditors in general. However, unlike direct actions, this legal mechanism provides general protection to all creditors, not just a few that are mentioned by the law. Against this backdrop, in the light of economic development and the many contracts concluded lately, especially in recent years, the knowledge of rights and the means of creditor protection should be of interest to all creditors. Unfortunately, although the paulian action is expressly provided for by law, creditors rarely resort to this legal mechanism to ensure the protection of their own claims. This reluctance is likely to arise from the fear of a long and cumbersome move to promote a litigation in the form of a paulian action. From this point of view, we hope that the present study will provide practitioners, theorists, and creditors with detailed information about this legal mechanism, to encourage the promotion of a paulian action whenever borrowers act against patrimony in order to avoid enforcement.
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