• Part of EU law – both primary and especially secondary – waste problem is a complex multi-faceted one in its aspects. Since the first programs of action on the environment (EAP) – the first (1973–1977), the second (1977–1983) – to the last, the seventh such program (2013–2020) entitled A better environment for a better life, the challenge of waste is dealt with either issue on its own, or as part of wider objectives. Whatever the approach, solving subordinates to old or new principles of environmental law as formulated in the first EAP and then developed in other programs of action. These are: prevention is better than cure; EIA should be considered at an early stage of decision making; exploitation of nature by means of causing significant damage to the ecological balance should be avoided; scientific knowledge must be improved to allow for appropriate action; „polluter pays” principle, the polluter should bear the cost of prevention and environmental restoration after damage thereto; activities of a Member State shall not cause damage to the environment of other States.
  • Achitare persoană fizică autorizată (avocat) pentru infracțiunea de evaziune fiscală. Nedepunerea în termen a declarației fiscale 200 pentru o perioadă de doi ani nu constituie infracțiune, ci contravenție. Sumele obținute din activități economice, dar declarate cu întârziere sau nedeclarate, pot fi impozitate cu ocazia controlului fiscal, în cazul în care documentele primare justificative, respectiv chitanțele și facturile, sunt întocmite, sunt disponibile și pot fi verificate. Nedepășirea plafonului pentru obligativitatea înregistrării contribuabilului ca plătitor de TVA poate fi dovedită prin mijloace de probă.
  • Electoratul este o funcțiune politică, iar nu un drept. Indivizii au un drept anterior legei pozitive, și anume acela de a fi considerați ca cetățeni politici sau, cum spune Aristot, „omul este un animal social”, zoon potitikon1. Începând dela germanul Altusius, după cum stabilește Gierke, și până în timpurile noastre, doctrinarii politici consideră pe individ ca făcând parte integrantă din marele suveran, consideră voința lui ca alcătuind voința colectivă a corpului social, numit Stat. Locke, Rousseau, Blakstone, Barclay, Loyseau și alți cugetători, fiecare cu elementele ce le sunt personale, au format școală, și un corp de doctrină, susținut de o literatură vastă, întemeiază dreptul primar al indivizilor pe conceptul suveranităței legale. Suveranitatea, în accepțiunea ei juridică, „dă, după Esmein, opiniunei publice o forță superioară, o expresie precisă, o valoare juridică, o autoritate legală”.
  • Prin arvonă (arrha)1 se înțelege ceea ce una din părțile contractante, în genere cumpărătorul (art. 1297, 1298 C. C.) sau locatarul (art. 1416), dă celeilalte, fie pentru a asigura executarea contractului (arrha confirmatoria), fie pentru a’și procura mijlocul de a se putea desista de el (arrha paenitentialis).
  • The study starts from the premise that the research of the classical Romanian legal and administrative doctrine can offer solutions to topical issues of the public administration, such as public service matters. The historical analysis allows to identify the opinions of some authors who are representative for the public law of the interwar period in terms of the concept and of the characteristics of the public service, of the applicable legal regime, of the categories and forms of organization thereof. Thus, the public service appears as an activity carried out or authorized by the public administration in order to satisfy regularly and continuously a general interest of a national or local collectivity, an activity subject to a legal regime of public law.
  • The participation of a tenderer in insolvency in a procedure for the award of a public procurement contract is regulated, mainly, by the directives on public procurement and by the laws which transpose them in the Member States. Within the current generation of directives on public procurement, the exclusion of the tenderer in insolvency is still classified into the category of facultative reasons of exclusion. However, as an element of novelty, if a Member State of the European Union decides to turn this reason of exclusion from facultative into mandatory, the State has the right to regulate certain circumstances in which the contracting authorities are prohibited from excluding such tenderer from the procedure. Whenever such regulation is contained in the national acts of transposition of directives, the contracting authority becomes bound to establish whether the conditions that impose the maintenance of the tenderer the procedure are met. The Romanian legislator has chosen to regulate that the contracting authority can not exclude from the award procedure the tenderer that is in the phase of observation or reorganization, if certain conditions are met. Having in view this obligation to establish whether certain conditions are met in order to maintain the tenderer in the phase of observation or of reorganization, as well as the amendments brought by the new directives in the matter of exercise of the right of the contracting authority to request clarifications, it is important to determine the extent to which, under the influence of the new regulations, the assessment commission will have to take a proactive approach or not, in order to decide whether to exclude or not such a tenderer.
  • In the present study we will try to find the answer to the question: „What can a natural person do when his/her right to the protection of personal data has been violated?”. The natural person having his/her habitual residence in Romania, who suffered damages in a cross-border context, will be taken as a reference system, in an attempt of „guiding” him/her to the competent authority for dealing with the judicial issues that have arisen. The legal basis for answering the question will be the Regulation (EU) No 679/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. In the first part of the study the terms used to explain the right to the protection of personal data and its violation will be clarified, and in the second part the administrative and/or judicial ways that the natural person can follow in order to restore the violated right will be discussed.
  • The emergence of the Law No 76/2012 for the implementation of the Law No 134/2010 on the Code of Civil Procedure had great influence on the Government Emergency Ordinance No 34/2006 on the award of public procurement contracts. The latter stated that, in the matter of claims for compensation for damage caused during the public procurement procedure, the way of attack is an appeal on law submitted within 5 days of the communication. Difficulties with the publication and entry into force of the Law No 76/2012 were felt because it provided that the appeal would be the remedy in the matter, but before it came into force, the Government Emergency Ordinance No 34/2006 was amended by the Government Emergency Ordinance No 77/2012 which was approved by the Law 193/2013 and which left unchanged the way of attack. To solve the problems related to the succession in time of the laws, the High Court of Cassation and Justice by the Decision No 20/2015 of 5 October 2015 on the examination of the appeal in the interest of the law formulated by the Board of the Suceava Court of Appeal determined that the appeal on law is the only way of attack in the matter. Problems of interpretation have not stopped here because, while the High Court has made compulsory the way of attack, it did not make any mention of the term of exercise. Thus, a non-unitary practice has emerged because some courts have considered that the term of exercise is that of appeal, i.e. 5 days, while others have applied the general term. In our view, the time limit for exercising the appeal on law cannot be considered to be 5 days, because in this situation it would only mean that there was a replacement of the term „appeal” with „appeal on law”, but the general term provided by the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply.
  • Part of our daily lives, light pollution enjoys less media coverage than other, more serious environmental issues, like climate change, air pollution, desertification of many areas of land, illegal deforestation of huge areas of forest land. We are talking about light pollution when artificial lights are everywhere – through billboards, street lighting, etc. – and such intensity that it changes the levels of natural lighting the night, with negative impacts on human health and biodiversity.
  • This study proposes a comparative analysis of the norms of incrimination which include under the incidence of the criminal law some deeds recognized as international crimes through conventions and treaties. The crimes included in Title XII – Crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in the Romanian Criminal Code and the Crimes against the peace and security of mankind, war crimes defined by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova are studied by the comparison method. From the comparison made the author comes to the conclusion that both the Romanian legislation and the legislation of the Republic of Moldova have fully complied with the international provisions in the field of regulation of international crimes. In addition, it is appreciated that both states, through their own legislative regime, have taken steps to make the national laws uniform with the international regulations, in order to provide a unitary framework in respect of sanctioning of the international crimes.
  • This study addresses the problems determined by the fact that in the current Romanian criminal processual legislation there is a sign of equivalence between the moment of pronouncing the judgment and the moment of reading the minutes which contains only the operative part of the judgment. This aspect determines certain consequences that affect the rights of the persons who, in one quality or another, are involved in that criminal trial, resulting even in the execution of a minutes and in the conditional release before the reasoning of the appeal decision. For all these reasons, the study proposes that the reasoning of the judgment should be made before the pronouncement, which would remove all the above shortcomings and would strengthen the confidence of the litigants in the act of justice.
  • In this study there are presented the main scientific arguments that can be taken into account for promoting a new discipline, as sub-branch of the Romanian criminal law, namely the criminal law of transports. For the scientific arguing of this approach, there have been briefly examined the system of Romanian law, the syntagms of branch, sub-branch and institution of our law. As regards the criminal law, reference has been made to the two parts, to some institutions and to the possibility of recognizing the criminal law of transports as sub-branch of the Romanian law. Likewise, within the scientific approach, it has been carried out a brief examination of the criminal law norms specific to the safety of traffic and of transports from Romania, insisting on the necessity of grouping them into a distinct normative act, recommending even a code of transports. The examination has considered the main elements of similarity between criminal law norms specific to the four domains of the national system of transports, namely: road, railway, naval and air.
  • The study is dedicated to celebrating the centenary of the achievement of the national unity of the Romanian people and it is devoted to some of the legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential evolutions and mutations occurred, during this period, within the institution of civil obligations. The author shows that the evolutions in question have their etiology and explanation in the social needs, determined by the specificity of the historical stages and of the political regimes which the Romanian society has gone through. His approach is placed in the general context of the most relevant changes that have occurred, over the years, in the texts of the Civil Code and of the related legislation. This explains why the study starts with an introductory paragraph, in which it is presented the general state of the old Civil Code and there are set forth its main changes, occurred after 1918.
  • The declarative establishment of democratic traditions or insurrectional ideals at a constitutional level is legitimate and explicable as an element of public law philosophy and social psychology, but also of national identification, especially in situations where the Constituent Assembly established a democratic political regime, opened to the aspirations of a nation that has liberated itself from the authoritarianism of a tyrannical government system. However, the issue we are raising is whether democratic traditions are justified in a normative regulation. In my opinion, the proper place to preserve the national values and the historical political and juridical traditions of a people cannot be the normative text of the Constitution, because it, as a fundamental normative act, from the point of view of positive law, has the role to regulate political, social and economic relations and others as valid social phenomena measurable politically and legally. The original place of the traditions and values of a community lies in its public consciousness and in the general lifestyle. Here, they retain intact the ideological content and form, as they penetrated through objective scientific knowledge, as well as through a spiritual path in the individual’s consciousness, and extended to successive generations. In this way, democratic traditions acquire an explanatory role for the philosophy of public law. A question arises: if democratic traditions are transposed by constitutional norms in the national legal order and converted into constitutional traditions, can they be challenged scientifically and historically? Contesting the democratic traditions in a scientific work or denying their existence, as well as legislating some areas of social life without considering the Romanian constitutional traditions, are subjected to malpractice or even sanctioned by the law?
  • The Treaty of 9 December 1919 concerning minority protection was eventually signed by Romania only after fierce opposition grounded on the argument that the Treaty provisions contravene the principle of equal state sovereignty. The present paper is focused on examining the circumstances of the drafting of the 1919 Minority Treaty, on expounding its normative content and on depicting the situation of national minorities in interwar Romania. Finally, a general assessment of interwar Romania’s attitude towards minorities is undertaken.
  • The study deals with the contract called supply contract, regulated in the current Civil Code, its particularities as opposed to the sales contract, the aspects of incidence of the provisions regarding the sale contract which completes the special regulation of the supply contract. There are analysed the substantive and formal terms of the supply contract, the rights and obligations of the contracting parties, the doctrinal opinions and the case law in the matter, the legal consequences of the failure to supply the goods according to the contractual clauses and the failure to pay the price, the conditions for subcontracting, as well as the aspects related to the contractual liability of the supplier towards the beneficiary, for the non-compliance with the subcontractor’s obligations.
  • The examination of the constitutionality of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 134/2005 has significant implications as regards the legality of the activity of one of the fundamental institutions of the State, which was established for the discovery and punishment of corruption actions. The authors intend to bring clarifications regarding this matter and the need to remove any doubts regarding the complete constitutionality of the AntiCorruption General Directorate.
  • The author’s approach is intended for a partially critical analysis of the Decision of the Constitutional Court No 225 of 4 April 20172, by which the phrase „likely to prejudice the prestige of the profession” within Article 14 a) of the Law No 51/1995 was declared unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court has held that the criticized text is devoid of precision, clarity and predictability, as it does not circumstantiate the scope of the offences likely to cause the unworthiness in the profession of lawyer. The author considers that this solution of unconstitutionality makes an exaggerated interpretation of the incidental legal provisions, unduly restricting the right of appreciation of the competent structures of the professional organization of lawyers and of the judge called to settle any possible disputes. Within this study it is noted that there are various other situations in which the right of appreciation of the judge can not be challenged in our legal system. The approach included in this study also insists on the consequences which can be determined by the analysed solution of unconstitutionality, due to the existence of some identical or very similar provisions in respect of other liberal legal professions as well. A cavalcade of pleas of unconstitutionality, based on similar considerations, could raise for discussion other important institutions of law as well, such as those concerning the disciplinary, contraventional, civil or even criminal liability.
  • Article 42 (3) of the Annex to the Order of the Minister of National Defence No M.110/2009 is a true legal innovation because it extends the scope of the liability for medical malpractice to hotel obligations (specific to the tenancy contract) within the content of the medical contract, but, at the same time, reduces the sphere of liable persons down to the military physician (treating physician and section chief), by exceeding the express legal limits of the liability of the physician and actually taking over not only the entire medical liability of the military hospital, but also of the medical equipment producers and of the suppliers of utilities of the military hospital.
  • The study is devoted to the legislative convergences and divergences existing at the level of the European countries regarding the functioning of small and mediumsized companies. The first part of this approach emphasizes the important role of small and medium-sized companies within the national economies, including their contribution to the formation of the gross domestic product. In the author’s opinion, the support granted by the political and legislative powers, including by the doctrine, is not in accordance with the contribution brought by the small and medium-sized companies to the development of the national economies. Starting from the finding that the typical legal form of functioning of the small and medium-sized companies is represented by the limited liability companies, the author presents the most relevant aspects regarding their establishment, organization and functioning. A particular analysis is also carried out in relation to Directive 2017/828/EC, a European document that is likely to significantly promote appropriate normative convergences. The author also emphasizes some positive trends manifested at the level of the European Union, such as those represented by the elimination of the fixed minimum share capital or by the reduction thereof. Among the legislative divergences, the author analyzes those determined by the conflicts of interests between the members of the limited liability company. In particular, the author takes into account the divergences concerning the right of the minority members, whose interests are threatened by the actions of the majority members, to freely exit that company.
  • The Civil Procedure Code entered into force on 15 February 2013, when neither the fax nor the e-mail were unknown anymore in the field of communication. However, the procedural provisions have proven to be tributary to some classical origins, even obsolete in some cases. The interventions of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, of the Constitutional Court, in the matter of law analyzed by the authors in this article, did not have the role of modernizing nor of improving the efficiency of the act of justice. The given interpretations have taken into account the letter of the law and not its spirit, probably starting from the strict application of the procedural provisions. Without disregarding these principles, the authors criticize in an argumented manner the solution pronounced by the Decision No 34/2017 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Panel for the settlement of some legal issues, ruling in the sense of qualifying the procedural act sent by e-mail or fax, after the court’s work schedule, but until 24.00 of the last day of the procedural term, as being done in due time.
  • Înscrierile în cartea funciară nu au caracter constitutiv/translativ, ci numai efecte de opozabilitate față de terți (art. 25 din Legea nr. 7/1996 arată că „înscrierile în cartea funciară își vor produce efecte de opozabilitate față de terți...”). Astfel, această lege asigură publicitatea imobilului și nu are efecte constitutive/translative ale dreptului de proprietate. (...)
  • In this article the author analyzes the procedure of individual complaint of the citizens before the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany as it is regulated in the Federal Constitution and in the special law on the constitutional control court. The constitutional text provides that the procedure in question is a legal means of appeal with the purpose of defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. Specifically, any person who claims that one of his rights or one of his freedoms enshrined in the Basic Law has been violated by an authority exercising public power may address the federal constitutional court. The author analyzes the procedure of individual complaint and separates it from other constitutional procedures.
  • The Civil Code expressly introduces the porte-fort convention or the promise of another’s deed in Article 1283, regulation which takes over the institution which was created in the doctrine of the Civil Code of 1865. The current codification places the institution in the section regarding the effects of the contract, but in a subsection distinct from the one devoted to the consecration of the principle of relativity of the effects of the contract. Although the systematic treatment of the principle inevitably implies the exploration of the controversies on the real or apparent exceptions, the incorporation of the analysis of the porte-fort convention in this framework has made the novelty of this legal figure somehow obscured. This article intends to make a critical analysis of the porte-fort convention in the regulation of Article 1283 of the Civil Code also from the perspective of the comparative law, by pursuing in detail the legal regime in terms of notion, forms, nature, legal characters, conditions of validity and effects, as well as the applications of this institution.
  • Equality of citizens before the law and before the public authorities is a fundamental category of the theory on social democracy, but also a condition of the state of law, failing which constitutional democracy can not be conceived. The Romanian Constitution expressly enshrines this principle. However, there are also particular aspects of this principle enshrined in the Basic Law. Equality before the law and before the public authorities can not involve the idea of standardization, of uniformity of all citizens under the sign of the same legal regime, regardless of their socio-professional situation. The constitutional principle of equality implies that equal legal treatment should be applied to equal situations. This social and legal requirement implies numerous interferences between the principle of equality and other constitutional principles: the principle of identity and of diversity, the principle of pluralism, the principle of unity and, in particular, the principle of proportionality. In this study, using theoretical and jurisprudential arguments, we intend to demonstrate that in relation to contemporary social reality equality, as a constitutional principle, is a particular aspect of the principle of proportionality. The latter expresses in essence the ideas of: fairness, justice, reasonableness and fair adequacy of the decisions of the State to the factual situation and the legitimate aims proposed.
  • The idea of a neutral power from those derived from the separation of powers was preceded in the modern epoch by the placing of one of the Chambers of the Parliament in the role of balancing and preserving power. This second Chamber had to be different from the first one, in order for it to be superior. The manner of conceiving this superiority and the balancing and conservative role of this Chamber have been different from one epoch to another and from one system to another. In the following article, subsequent to a brief analysis of the concepts of neutral power and balancing power, I shall investigate the role played by the superior Chamber of Parliament in the constitutional history of Romania.
  • A decision pronounced for the settlement of an appeal in the interest of the law by the High Court of Cassation and Justice (No 25 of 6 November 2017) brings to attention the inadequate perception by the Romanian jurisdictions of the particularities of these administrative acts of urbanism and, consequently, the recourse to procedural artifices inappropriate for solving some problems arisen in practice. In this case, for the separate exercise of the control on the legality of the urbanism certificate „by which the prohibition to build has been ordered or which includes other limitations”, the right of access to justice has been invoked [Article 6 of the (European) Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms], ignoring the legal nature of this act as individual urbanism administrative act that would, under certain conditions, have led to the same solution, but on another legal basis. In addition, it would be avoided the misconception that the certificate would order or that it would contain per se prohibitions/limitations of the right to build, this doing nothing else but take over, express and inform about the urban planning requirements included in the urbanism documentations.
  • The study analyses the right of the accused to participate in the judgement of the case, the notification thereof and the finding of an obvious avoidance that allows for a decision to be taken in absence. In addition, there are analysed practical cases about the judgment of the case in the absence of the defendant for the reason of deliberate avoidance, as well as for reasons imputable to the authorities when the defendant has not been properly summoned.
  • Through this study we have made a thorough analysis of the conditions of admissibility of the special cancellation (revocation) action regulated by the provisions of Article 117 of the Law No 85/2014 on the procedures for preventing insolvency and of insolvency, as well as an analysis of the possibility of cancelling (revoking) any fraudulent act concluded by the debtor in the 2 years prior to the opening of the insolvency procedure. Likewise, we have analyzed what operations concluded, in the two years prior to the opening of the procedure, with the persons who have legal relationships with the debtor may be cancelled and the benefits recovered, if they are to the detriment of the creditors, except for the acts concluded in good faith in the execution of an agreement with the creditors, concluded as a result of extrajudicial negotiations for restructuring the debtor’s debts
  • The retransmission of the right to successoral option raises some difficulties of theoretical understanding and practical application, at least for the following reasons: the Civil Code, now in force, substantially changes the logic of the previous regulation of this legal institution; in practice, there are being debated, with a significant frequency, inheritances opened before 1 October 2011 (the moment when the current Civil Code entered into force) and which consequently fall under the incidence of the provisions of the former Civil Code (which ultractivates); there are encountered, in practice more frequently, several inheritances in respect of which the right to successoral option has been successively retransmitted; the institution about whose issues we are concerned herein, in particular, have some resemblances to the successoral representation and to the retransmission of the inheritance. For all these reasons, and we believe that there are not few, nor the only ones, we will discuss further the retransmission of the right to successoral option, starting from the theoretical aspects, which are indispensable for its just understanding and for its proper application in practice. In this context, we will give concrete examples, with the hope that they will be of use to theoreticians and, in particular, to practitioners in the field of successions.
  • The neutral power, i.e. a power that is situated outside the three powers derived from the organisation of the state on the basis of the principle of separation of powers, was conceived and institutionalised in various ways. One of them transforms the Head of State into a power that distances itself from political games and the separation of powers. The Head of State plays the role of balancing power and that of mediator between legislative, executive and jurisdictional powers and between state and society. The following article examines the role of the Head of State as neutral power in the constitutional history of Romania and in the 1991 Constitution.
  • In our previous study we have analyzed cybercrime in the Cloud Computing environment. Our research led us to the conclusion that, with the rise of Cloud Computing services, cybercriminals benefit of new and improved ways of conducting their illicit activity, thus using the Cloud environment as an instrument or as a specific target. Furthermore, we have discovered that cybercrime is constantly changing. Emerging technology trends like Big Data, Social Networks, the Internet of Things and Cloud Computing services change the way that cybercriminals act today. As more and more relevant data is located in the Cloud, the cybercrime threat also increases. Cloud Computing also offers immense computing power at the disposal of nearly anyone, criminals included. This leads to the migration phenomenon of cybercrime. Traditional forms of cybercrime are gradually replaced by new and more complex ones, like those that occur in Cloud Computing and in other information technology environments. Our study shows that there are a series of factors that are held responsible for the cybercrime migration phenomenon. These factors include: powerful processing power, huge volumes of valuable data, extended service availability, risk of mass attacks, vanishing fingerprints, adaptable crime tools and others. Only by examining the way that cybercrime evolves we will be able to reduce its harmful effects.
  • This study aims to analyze the characters of the claim of a creditor entitled to request the opening of the insolvency procedure, namely the certain, liquid and exigibile character, as well as the conditions for admitting the application for claim in the insolvency procedure. The creditor’s right to request the opening of the insolvency procedure is one of the modalities which the legislator has made available to him in order to materialize his claim right against his debtor. The opening of the insolvency procedure does not have the characteristic of an actual enforcement, because insolvency does not provide the guarantee of the effective satisfaction of the claim right against the debtor. The creditor entitled to request the opening of the insolvency procedure must have against his debtor a clear, liquid and exigible claim for more than 60 days, in a minimum quantum established by the law.
  • The doctoral studies consist of two components developed under the guidance of a doctoral coordinator, namely a training programme based on advanced university studies, as well as an individual scientific research programme. The doctorate is finalised with the public presentation of a paper elaborated by the doctoral student. The doctoral thesis must demonstrate to have the advanced scientific knowledge of the topic addressed, must contain elements of originality in the development or solving of the topic, as well as modalities of scientific validation thereof. In order to fulfil the condition of public presentation of the doctoral thesis it is required an evaluation both from the guidance commission within the doctoral school and from the commission of public presentation of the doctoral thesis within the doctoral school. Evaluation is a complex process, which has as finality to form the belief that the doctoral studies have achieved their purpose by certifying the merit, value, meaning of the respective paper. The failure to comply with good conduct in research, including the plagiarizing of the results or publications of other authors, producing results or replacing the results with fictitious data, brings about the failure to obtain the agreement of public presentation of the paper. The legal nature of liability for violating the rules of deontology in the preparation of doctoral thesis is diverse, from the disciplinary liability to the criminal liability.
  • In this article the author, starting from a case settled by the courts, refers to the patrimonial liability of the legal advisers. In essence, he points out that in the exercise of their profession, they undertake the obligation of means (of diligence), in the sense that they have the duty to make all the necessary diligence, all their (professional) knowledge and efforts so that the expected outcome be achieved. In the contrary hypothesis however, when acting negligently, unprofessionally, etc. and cause damages, the legal advisers will be liable in terms of patrimony (on civil-contractual terms) to their employers.
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