• In this study we are making reference to the acceptance of the bill of exchange in the Republic of Moldova and in Romania. The bill of exchange includes the drawer’s order addressed to the drawee to pay to the holder of the bill of exchange (payee) the amount of money mentioned in the title. This order itself includes only an obligation of the drawer to determine the payment of the amount of money to be made to the beneficiary, as well as a designation of the person (the drawee) which is going to make the payment at maturity. But the obligation to pay the amount of money does not arise from the order given by the drawer, but from the expression of the will of the drawee itself. So only by accepting the order the drawee becomes acceptor, that is debtor of bill of exchange, and will be obliged to pay at maturity the amount of money provided by the bill of exchange. By accepting the bill of exchange, the drawee becomes the principal debtor and, as a consequence, he must be presented with the bill of exchange.
  • Concluded on 12 December 2015, and entering into force on 4 November 2016, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change establishes the new international legal regime of the global response to threat of climate change. Contributing to the application of the Framework Convention of 1992, the Agreement adds the objective of adaptation and breaks the tradition of the Kyoto Protocol (1997), by imposing a new approach in this field, having in its center the limitation to 2°C and, whenever possible, 1,5°C of the growth of global average temperature, in relation to preindustrial levels, determined national contributions, and a transparency mechanism in ensuring the compliance of the self-assumed commitments. Accepting climate change as a „common concern of mankind” with scientific legitimacy of the conventional process and a specific legal value, being neither a „convention” nor a „protocol”, the Agreement has a universal nature, and it completes and transforms the international legal regime of the global climate action. Innovating principles are consecrated: intergenerational equity, climate justice or progression principle, new market mechanisms, with limited action, the facilitating mechanism, periodical evaluation, et al. An important role in imposing the new strategy and the new mechanism of action in climatic matters is held by the negotiations related to the post-2015 Conferences of Parties, designed to establish the „roadmap” and the proceedings for the preparation and enforcement, after 2020, of the Paris Agreement. Part of the new international conventional context regarding the new global challenges, the Agreement completes and updates the climate regime, as part of the international environmental law, bearing important specificities.
  • Soluția legislativă cuprinsă în art. 345 alin. (1) din Codul de procedură penală, care nu permite judecătorului de cameră preliminară, în soluționarea cererilor și excepțiilor formulate ori excepțiilor ridicate din oficiu, să administreze alte mijloace de probă în afara „oricăror înscrisuri noi prezentate”, este neconstituțională. (Curtea Constituțională a României, Decizia nr. 802/2017 – cu notă aprobativă)
  • The application of ancillary intervention submitted in favour of the authority that has issued the individual administrative act is admissible in the actions in administrative disputes having as object the suspension of this type of acts, to the extent to which the third party intervening in a trial between the original parties is able to prove the practical benefit which he obtains as a consequence of pronouncing a solution favourable to the party in whose favour it intervenes. The necessity to prove that the condition of imminent damage is fulfilled by the applicant who considers himself injured, by the individual administrative act whose suspension is requested, does not confer this action a personal nature, in such a way as to be incompatible with the institution of ancillary intervention.
  • Article 42 (3) of the Annex to the Order of the Minister of National Defence No M.110/2009 is a true legal innovation because it extends the scope of the liability for medical malpractice to hotel obligations (specific to the tenancy contract) within the content of the medical contract, but, at the same time, reduces the sphere of liable persons down to the military physician (treating physician and section chief), by exceeding the express legal limits of the liability of the physician and actually taking over not only the entire medical liability of the military hospital, but also of the medical equipment producers and of the suppliers of utilities of the military hospital.
  • There are many questions concerning the context in which we witness the entry into force (on 25th May 2016) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its application (starting 25th May 2018). The answers can be numerous: political, sociological, journalistic, etc. However, we choose to analyse from the legal point of view. The GDPR was adopted taking into account the weaknesses that the Directive 95/46/EC has shown, specific weaknesses, in fact, of a EU legal act of this type, compared to the type of regulation. The Directive in question has failed to prevent the fragmentation of the way data protection has been ensured in all EU Member States. Legal uncertainty or public perceptions according to which there are significant risks to the protection of individuals, especially online, have been widespread. It is further added that the differences in the levels of protection existing in the 28 EU Member States, differences due to the transposition and application of the Directive, have sometimes led to a slowdown in the application of the principle of the freedom of movement of personal data within the EU, which may constitute real obstacles to economic activity at this level, distorting competition and preventing authorities from fulfilling their responsibilities under EU law.
  • This study emphasizes that, from a substantial point of view, the criteria required to be fulfilled for cataloguing a deed as pertaining to the criminal domain are: the qualification of the deed in the domestic law, the nature of the deed and the purpose and the severity of the sanction. Formally, an official report of finding and sanctioning the contravention which represents at the same time also a criminal charge in the conventional sense must cumulatively include the description of the deed and the presentation of the legal classification. The effect of classifying the report of finding and sanctioning the contravention in the category of the criminal charge in a conventional sense is given by the fact that to the procedure for finding and sanctioning the contravention there are attached its own guarantees of a fair trial. The presumption of lawfulness of the report is compatible with the presumption of innocence only if it respects certain limits, taking into account the gravity of the stake and protecting the rights of the defence. The limits of the presumption of lawfulness of the official report, in the context of protecting the rights of the defence, are: the imperative that the deed be perceived directly, through its own senses, by the fact-finding agent and the exigence not to impose on the person concerned an impossible task, as regards the administration of the proof to the contrary.
  • This paper analyses the concepts of harmonization, approximation of laws and the establishing of minimum norms in EU law, with an emphasis on the criminal European law. These notions are followed since their creation, first in the internal market and then, in the area of freedom, security and justice, through all avatars they got through alongside the evolution of the EU integration process. Without a legal definition, the meaning of those concepts was created and then partially contested by legal authors. Though, there is still a debate between some authors about the differences in the nuances of those legal notions specific to EU law, the majority of legal thinking agreed that all these notions are reflecting the same idea of vertical integration of EU law. Another major influence upon defining those concepts in the criminal European law was represented by the EU Court of Justice case-law in the Environmental Crimes Case and Shipping Pollution Case, setting out, for the first time, a constitutional basis for the creation of criminal European law: the principle of effectiveness combined with the principle of loyal cooperation. The final part of this study analyses the harmonization and the establishment of minimum standards in criminal European law in post-Lisbon era, taking into consideration all important changes brought by this treaty, such as the fully constitutional basis for harmonization and mutual recognition in the criminal law area of the EU.
  • This study proposes a comparative analysis of the norms of incrimination which include under the incidence of the criminal law some deeds recognized as international crimes through conventions and treaties. The crimes included in Title XII – Crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in the Romanian Criminal Code and the Crimes against the peace and security of mankind, war crimes defined by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova are studied by the comparison method. From the comparison made the author comes to the conclusion that both the Romanian legislation and the legislation of the Republic of Moldova have fully complied with the international provisions in the field of regulation of international crimes. In addition, it is appreciated that both states, through their own legislative regime, have taken steps to make the national laws uniform with the international regulations, in order to provide a unitary framework in respect of sanctioning of the international crimes.
  • The retransmission of the right to successoral option raises some difficulties of theoretical understanding and practical application, at least for the following reasons: the Civil Code, now in force, substantially changes the logic of the previous regulation of this legal institution; in practice, there are being debated, with a significant frequency, inheritances opened before 1 October 2011 (the moment when the current Civil Code entered into force) and which consequently fall under the incidence of the provisions of the former Civil Code (which ultractivates); there are encountered, in practice more frequently, several inheritances in respect of which the right to successoral option has been successively retransmitted; the institution about whose issues we are concerned herein, in particular, have some resemblances to the successoral representation and to the retransmission of the inheritance. For all these reasons, and we believe that there are not few, nor the only ones, we will discuss further the retransmission of the right to successoral option, starting from the theoretical aspects, which are indispensable for its just understanding and for its proper application in practice. In this context, we will give concrete examples, with the hope that they will be of use to theoreticians and, in particular, to practitioners in the field of successions.
  • The content of the medical legal relation includes all rights and obligations of the provider and of the beneficiary of the medical service. Among these, only the rights of the patient benefit by an explicit and ample special regulation and by a growing doctrinal interest. However, this does not mean the lack of specific rights in favour of the doctor, but only the necessity to identify the existence and the determination of their content by analyzing the nature and/or the implicit effects of the legal provisions and of the jurisprudential solutions. Thus, the patient’s acceptance by the doctor, based on Article 663 (1) of the Law No 95/2006, is the equivalent of the informed consent of the patient, expressed pursuant to Articles 660–662 of the Law No 95/2006 and Articles 13–20 of the Law No 46/2003; the interruption of the relation between the doctor and the patient, pursuant to Article 664 (1) c) (ii) of the Law No 95/2006, as a result of a hostile and/or irreverent attitude towards the doctor, would be impossible in the absence of an obligation of gratitude of the patient, correlative to a right to gratitude of the doctor; and the jurisprudential consecration of the liability of the sanitary unit for the damage suffered by the doctor due to a nosocomial infection is due precisely to the existence of a right to security of the doctor.
  • This study starts from a case settled in the preliminary chamber by a court that has proceeded to the exclusion from the probative material of some illegally obtained evidence, but also of those derived therefrom. In the analyzed situation in the context of the preliminary chamber it was found that there had been a confusion which led to obtaining data on a person’s financial transactions in an unlawful manner, namely by an ordinance that had not been validated by a judge of rights and freedoms, as the provisions of Article 138 (9) of the Criminal Procedure Code would have required.
  • In this study, the author brings back to memory a doctrinal discussion, inspired by the decision of a tribunal (seized as a court of judicial control), published by the „Romanian Journal of Law”, in two issues, in the period between 1983 and 1984, a discussion in which its protagonists, accepting the idea of an extensive interpretation of the provisions of the old Civil Procedure Code regarding the procedure of verification of scripts, concluded that this procedure may also cover the application for summons, in case that one of the applicants claims that he did not initiate the trial, the signature on the application is not his, nor did he mandate his brother (the co-applicant) to initiate the trial in his name. The doctrinaires have reached, in illo tempore, to the conclusion that the denial of the signature on the application for summons by the person to whom the document is attributed, in fact challenging of the quality of party to the trial, as an applicant, may be invoked, for the first time, also in the means of appeal, the court of judicial control following to submit the application for the procedure of verification of scripts. The tribunal has appreciated that the verification of the signature on the application for summons could only be made by its indictment as false and sending the case to the prosecutor. This point of view was not accepted by the person filing the recourse who considered that the proof of his statements could also be made through a procedure of verification of scripts of the document, before the civil court (which could order, if necessary, a graphological expertise to be made), not wanting to expose his brother, or himself, to criminal investigations. The fact that the second author involved in the discussion claimed the lack of consistency of the claim that the person filing the recourse has not acquired the quality of party (namely of appellant), since he could only exercise the recourse as a party (and not as a third party), has offered the occasion to the last two authors participating in the doctrinal discussion to make the distinction between the quality of party to the trial and the processual quality.
  • The institution of the penal clause, regulated in Articles 1538–1543 of the new Civil Code, still encounters different interpretations, even contradictory sometimes, in the judicial practice and in the solutions of the courts. In particular, the interest of the practitioners and of the specialized doctrine is based on the possibility conferred to the court of law to reduce the penal clause in the two cases provided by the legislator, namely when the main obligation has been executed by the debtor to the benefit of the creditor and when the penalty is clearly excessive in relation to the prejudice which might have been foreseen by the parties on the conclusion of the contract. This study aims to analyse thoroughly the two hypostases in which the judge is allowed to defeat the principle of binding force of the contract and to intervene in the decrease of the quantum of penalties, an analysis materialized both from a theoretical point of view and especially from a practical point of view, offering relevant solutions from the recent judicial practice.
  • The provisions of Article 169 of the Law No 85/2014 on the procedures for preventing insolvency and for insolvency regulate the responsibility aimed at covering the debtor’s liabilities in case its assets do not satisfy all the claims of its debtors. The mentioned legal provisions regulate expressly determined cases in which either the members of the supervisory bodies, or the members of the management bodies of the legal person which is in a state of insolvency or any other person that has caused the state of insolvency may be obliged to cover a part of the liabilities of the insolvent debtor, provided that the activity they carried out has led to the insufficiency of the available cash funds from the patrimony of the debtor legal person. In relation to the provisions of Article 171 of the mentioned normative act, the responsibility of the specified persons may be engaged in any form of the procedure, either in judicial reorganization, or in bankruptcy. In case of judicial reorganization, the amounts of money obtained as a result of the responsibility of the mentioned persons are intended to supplement the funds necessary for the continuation of the debtor’s activity, and, in case of bankruptcy, those amounts must ensure that the debtor’s liabilities are covered. The regulation of the responsibility of the members of the supervisory/management bodies or of any other person that has caused the state of insolvency of the debtor legal person is an integral part of the procedure provided by the law on insolvency.
  • The declarative establishment of democratic traditions or insurrectional ideals at a constitutional level is legitimate and explicable as an element of public law philosophy and social psychology, but also of national identification, especially in situations where the Constituent Assembly established a democratic political regime, opened to the aspirations of a nation that has liberated itself from the authoritarianism of a tyrannical government system. However, the issue we are raising is whether democratic traditions are justified in a normative regulation. In my opinion, the proper place to preserve the national values and the historical political and juridical traditions of a people cannot be the normative text of the Constitution, because it, as a fundamental normative act, from the point of view of positive law, has the role to regulate political, social and economic relations and others as valid social phenomena measurable politically and legally. The original place of the traditions and values of a community lies in its public consciousness and in the general lifestyle. Here, they retain intact the ideological content and form, as they penetrated through objective scientific knowledge, as well as through a spiritual path in the individual’s consciousness, and extended to successive generations. In this way, democratic traditions acquire an explanatory role for the philosophy of public law. A question arises: if democratic traditions are transposed by constitutional norms in the national legal order and converted into constitutional traditions, can they be challenged scientifically and historically? Contesting the democratic traditions in a scientific work or denying their existence, as well as legislating some areas of social life without considering the Romanian constitutional traditions, are subjected to malpractice or even sanctioned by the law?
  • Neutral power can manifest itself in modern liberal democracies also in the form of autonomous authorities. Their neutrality is based on two kinds of reasons. The first category involves the positioning of the neutral authorities outside the separation of powers in the state, their reactive (not active) political character and their role of balancing the separate powers of the state or of balancing the relations between the state and civil society. They are in the Romanian law authorities with constitutional status. The second category of authorities that call/consider themselves neutral founds its position on the neutrality of the experts in their structure. They have in the Romanian Constitution the status of some atypical, autonomous administrative authorities. Modern states are based on political freedom, i.e. on the liberation of man from objective laws. The expression of this freedom substantiates all the institutional mechanisms of modern constitutionalism. In exchange, the autonomous administrative authorities are set up to release the regulation of certain social mechanisms of political influence. They are not based on modern political freedom. Formed of experts who know the „objective” laws of social development and apply them „scientifically”, these authorities are „objective”. It is thus created a dichotomy: the people or the expert? The increasingly dense contemporary option for the expert can lead to significant risks for the human rights and for the democratic system.
  • In the present study we will try to find the answer to the question: „What can a natural person do when his/her right to the protection of personal data has been violated?”. The natural person having his/her habitual residence in Romania, who suffered damages in a cross-border context, will be taken as a reference system, in an attempt of „guiding” him/her to the competent authority for dealing with the judicial issues that have arisen. The legal basis for answering the question will be the Regulation (EU) No 679/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. In the first part of the study the terms used to explain the right to the protection of personal data and its violation will be clarified, and in the second part the administrative and/or judicial ways that the natural person can follow in order to restore the violated right will be discussed.
  • The emergence of the Law No 76/2012 for the implementation of the Law No 134/2010 on the Code of Civil Procedure had great influence on the Government Emergency Ordinance No 34/2006 on the award of public procurement contracts. The latter stated that, in the matter of claims for compensation for damage caused during the public procurement procedure, the way of attack is an appeal on law submitted within 5 days of the communication. Difficulties with the publication and entry into force of the Law No 76/2012 were felt because it provided that the appeal would be the remedy in the matter, but before it came into force, the Government Emergency Ordinance No 34/2006 was amended by the Government Emergency Ordinance No 77/2012 which was approved by the Law 193/2013 and which left unchanged the way of attack. To solve the problems related to the succession in time of the laws, the High Court of Cassation and Justice by the Decision No 20/2015 of 5 October 2015 on the examination of the appeal in the interest of the law formulated by the Board of the Suceava Court of Appeal determined that the appeal on law is the only way of attack in the matter. Problems of interpretation have not stopped here because, while the High Court has made compulsory the way of attack, it did not make any mention of the term of exercise. Thus, a non-unitary practice has emerged because some courts have considered that the term of exercise is that of appeal, i.e. 5 days, while others have applied the general term. In our view, the time limit for exercising the appeal on law cannot be considered to be 5 days, because in this situation it would only mean that there was a replacement of the term „appeal” with „appeal on law”, but the general term provided by the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply.
  • The study aims to present a case solved by German courts. It was raised the issue of the legal qualification of the winning under a beer cap, on terms of several people having put together the money for purchasing two boxes of beer and having bought them for that amount, including the bottle with the cap which contained the prize. In the case briefly presented it was necessary to determine whether the winning belongs only to the person who discovered the prize under the cap or to all the persons who have contributed with money to purchase the bottle containing the winning cap.
  • The idea of a neutral power from those derived from the separation of powers was preceded in the modern epoch by the placing of one of the Chambers of the Parliament in the role of balancing and preserving power. This second Chamber had to be different from the first one, in order for it to be superior. The manner of conceiving this superiority and the balancing and conservative role of this Chamber have been different from one epoch to another and from one system to another. In the following article, subsequent to a brief analysis of the concepts of neutral power and balancing power, I shall investigate the role played by the superior Chamber of Parliament in the constitutional history of Romania.
  • In this study, the author analyzes the ratio of the „data of a personal nature” and „personal data” and he draws up an inventory of the most important qualifications offered so far by the doctrine about the legal nature of these data. Finally, the author concludes that „personal data” are intangible movable assets, then he presents a number of practical consequences of this qualification.
  • The Decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania No 405/2016, referring to the plea of unconstitutionality of the provisions of Article 246 of the Criminal Code of 1969, of Article 297 (1) of the Criminal Code and of Article 132 of the Law No 78/2000 on preventing, discovering and sanctioning of corruption acts (hereinafter referred to as „Decision No 405”)1, is not a mere interpretative decision2 whereby, following the admission of a plea of unconstitutionality, it is established that a text of law is constitutional only provided that a certain wording has a certain meaning3. The recitals of the Decision No 405, to which there have been added, shortly after, those included in the Decision No 392/2017, referring to the plea of unconstitutionality of the provisions of Article 248 of the Criminal Code of 1969, of Article 297 (1) of the Criminal Code and of Article 132 of the Law No 78/2000 on preventing, discovering and sanctioning of corruption acts4 (hereinafter referred to as „Decision No 392”), have emphasized the fact that the current rules of incrimination of the deeds of abuse of office, once clarified the meaning of the phrase „defectively fulfils”, still establish a criminal liability that rather acts with priority, and not according to ultima ratio principle, and the constitutive elements of the offence do not meet the standards of drafting of such legal norms identified in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as „ECHR”), the United Nations Convention against Corruption5, as well as in various reports and positions assumed by the European Union bodies on this subject. For the assumption that these observations of the Constitutional Court would determine the legislator to reflect on the necessity to reconfigure the legal provisions in question, the Court has indicated certain points of reference that should be considered in order to ensure a regulation compatible with the international and European standards mentioned.
  • In this study, the author starts by finding that there is a divergent case law regarding the admission of the application for declaration of enforceability filed by the court executor under Article 666 of the Civil Procedure Code in the event that the enforcement title is represented by a final judgment whereby the debtor is obliged to pay a sum of money to the creditor and the proof thereof is made by a registry certificate (ad similis, an authenticated copy of the minutes drawn up and signed by the members of the court panel). The author finds that the limited doctrine that analyzed the casuistry described above reaches also diametrically opposite conclusions. In this context, making his own analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that in the above-mentioned hypothesis it is correct the solution of the courts which have admitted the applications for declaration of enforcement, based mainly on arguments related to the probative force of the registry certificate, the existence of the court judgment from the date of its pronouncement in the public hearing as the last stage of the trial (i.e., the first phase of the civil trial), since it has full legal effects, as well as on the desideratum of celerity, which governs the second stage of the civil trial, recte the enforcement. Noting that the existence of a divergent case law by which identical juridical situations are solved is likely to lead to the weakening of trust in the act of justice, the author urges for the most urgent use by the actors entitled ope legis of the means for ensuring a unitary judicial practice stated by the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code and of the Internal Rules of the courts of 2015.
  • Reținerea unei împrejurări ca circumstanță atenuantă judiciară: a) este posibilă doar dacă ea reduce într-o asemenea măsură gravitatea infracțiunii sau descrie atât de favorabil persoana infractorului, încât numai o diminuare a limitelor speciale este aptă să creeze un echilibru între rolurile aflictiv și educativ atașate pedepsei și să realizeze prevenția specială inerentă acesteia; b) atrage îndeplinirea de către instanță a obligațiilor de a indica împrejurarea care constituie circumstanță atenuantă, de a face referire la mijloacele de probă din care ea rezultă și de a o încadra în ipotezele prevăzute de lege.
  • Cloud Computing is one of the most innovative technologies in the history of computing. It is radically changing the way how information technology services are created, delivered, accessed and managed. Cloud Computing enables the same services and user content to be delivered to any user device, whether a mobile phone, desktop or tablet computer. Cloud technology involves data storage at multiple data centers in different geographic locations. The evolution of computer technology is strongly related with the cybercrime phenomenon. Over the last decade, the number of crimes that involve computers and Internet has grown constantly. Criminal organizations try to be as efficient as possible and in order to make investigations difficult they are storing criminal data in foreign servers or in Cloud storage systems, and use cryptography and other data obfuscation techniques that hide their illicit activity. Cloud Computing offers criminals accessible means for committing cybercrime. In much the same way as cybercrime may be understood as a new way of committing traditional crimes such as fraud and theft, Cloud Computing presents criminals with new tools with which to commit these offences and many more. Researching this environment is a key element in understanding the new and more complex forms of cybercrime that occur today.
  • Cererea formulată în temeiul art. 595 alin. (1) C.pr.pen., respectiv în caz de intervenire a unei legi penale noi după rămânerea definitivă a hotărârii de condamnare sau a hotărârii prin care s-a aplicat o măsură educativă, se adresează fie instanței de executare, fie instanței corespunzătoare în grad acesteia în a cărei circumscripție se află locul de deținere sau, după caz, centrul educativ ori centrul de detenție. Din perspectiva formelor competenței, cea reglementată potrivit art. 595 alin. (2) raportat la art. 553 alin. (1) C.pr.pen. este o competență funcțională (ratione officii) întrucât vizează o activitate ce se poate realiza strict de către instanța de executare ori de către instanța corespunzătoare în grad acesteia în circumscripția căreia se află locul de executare a pedepsei ori măsurii privative de libertate.
  • The study starts from the premise that the research of the classical Romanian legal and administrative doctrine can offer solutions to topical issues of the public administration, such as public service matters. The historical analysis allows to identify the opinions of some authors who are representative for the public law of the interwar period in terms of the concept and of the characteristics of the public service, of the applicable legal regime, of the categories and forms of organization thereof. Thus, the public service appears as an activity carried out or authorized by the public administration in order to satisfy regularly and continuously a general interest of a national or local collectivity, an activity subject to a legal regime of public law.
  • Commercial competition is „a social patrimonial or non-patrimonial relationship, arising between natural or legal persons engaged in economic activities, based on the property right, equal opportunity for competitors, the freedom of action for enterprises, the freedom of choice for consumers and the obligation of the participants in these relationships to enable the exercise of the mentioned rights, in order to ensure a degree of rivalry between competitors which would bring benefits to the consumers, in terms of price, quality of the marketed goods and services”. Competition can be manifested in various forms, namely: perfect competition, also called pure; real perfect competition; imperfect competition; monopolistic competition. From a different perspective, namely that of the respect for fair customs and of the general principle of good faith, the law distinguishes between fair competition and unfair competition. Fair competition is „the situation of rivalry on the market, in which each enterprise tries to simultaneously obtain sales, profit and/or market share, offering the best practical combination of prices, quality and related services, by respecting the fair customs and the general principle of good faith” [Article 11 a) of the Law No 11/1991 on combating unfair competition]. „Unfair competition is... the commercial practices of the enterprises that contravene to the fair customs and to the general principle of good faith and which cause or may cause damages to any market participants” [Article 2 (1) of the Law No 11/1991]. Price is an essential indicator of the social reality and also a market instrument. In the doctrine the market price is defined as „a quantity of money that the buyer is willing to offer and can offer to the producer in return for the good he can offer”. It may have anti-competitive nature when it is derisory or contrary to fair customs.
  • The article proposes solutions in the case of concurrence between the reopening of the criminal trial in case of judgment in the absence of convicted person and the resumption of the time limit for appeal, and after an analysis of the two procedures and a comparative analysis of the ordinary and extraordinary means of appeal, it concludes that the reopening of the criminal trial is an extraordinary means of appeal.
  • Through this study we have made a thorough analysis of the conditions of admissibility of the special cancellation (revocation) action regulated by the provisions of Article 117 of the Law No 85/2014 on the procedures for preventing insolvency and of insolvency, as well as an analysis of the possibility of cancelling (revoking) any fraudulent act concluded by the debtor in the 2 years prior to the opening of the insolvency procedure. Likewise, we have analyzed what operations concluded, in the two years prior to the opening of the procedure, with the persons who have legal relationships with the debtor may be cancelled and the benefits recovered, if they are to the detriment of the creditors, except for the acts concluded in good faith in the execution of an agreement with the creditors, concluded as a result of extrajudicial negotiations for restructuring the debtor’s debts.
  • Through this study we have made a thorough analysis of the conditions of admissibility of the special cancellation (revocation) action regulated by the provisions of Article 117 of the Law No 85/2014 on the procedures for preventing insolvency and of insolvency, as well as an analysis of the possibility of cancelling (revoking) any fraudulent act concluded by the debtor in the 2 years prior to the opening of the insolvency procedure. Likewise, we have analyzed what operations concluded, in the two years prior to the opening of the procedure, with the persons who have legal relationships with the debtor may be cancelled and the benefits recovered, if they are to the detriment of the creditors, except for the acts concluded in good faith in the execution of an agreement with the creditors, concluded as a result of extrajudicial negotiations for restructuring the debtor’s debts
  • Although the Paulian action is a legal mechanism, in principle very well known, when it comes to its practical application, in order to effectively promote such action, it is very important to have a thorough knowledge of the conditions that must be met for such action both to be promoted and to be allowed. This study is divided into two parts, in which first the general conditions and then the special conditions for the promotion of the Paulian action are presented. Also, in view of the legislative changes brought about by the entry into force of the new Romanian Civil Code, but also by amending the French Civil Code of 2016, we considered opportune a comparative presentation of the novelties brought by the two legal systems.
  • Starting from a decision made in the interest of the law by the High Court of Cassation and Justice, which stated that the terms regulated in art. 278 para. 3 and in art. 2781 para. 2 of the Criminal Procedure Code, for exercising the remedy of complaint against resolutions or ordinances of the prosecutor for not sending a case to justice, can only represent peremptory procedural terms, the article analyses the consequences on the fairness of the procedure of non-settlement by the hierarchically superior prosecutor, within the deadline provided by law, of the complaint against the solution of not sending a case to justice, reaching the conclusion that the legal text under review should be reconfigured, either by way of clarifying the nature of the term provided in art. 277 of the Criminal Procedure Code as a lapse term, or by way of linking the term referred to in art. 2781 of the Criminal Procedure Code to the time of communication of the solution of the hierarchically superior prosecutor, to avoid “deviations” from the fairness principle.
  • Although at first sight the procedure of cancellation of documents, regulated by Article 5491 of the Criminal Procedure Code, seems to be an institution that should not create essential problems, we can see at a closer analysis that certain provisions of the criminal processual rule are at least questionable. Moreover, the aspects related to the unconstitutionality of the provisions regarding the active legal capacity of referral to the judge in this respect have been subject to the analysis of the Constitutional Court of Romania. The problems of interpretation may also persist on the object, on the procedure itself, on the competence to settle the referral or on the limits of investiture of the preliminary chamber judge. Under these circumstances, in this paper we intend to express a point of view in relation to these aspects. With regard to the object of the referral and the limits of investiture of the preliminary chamber judge, we will analyse whether the cancellation of documents, in this procedure, concerns only the main documents or the subsequent documents as well, and whether the act sought to be cancelled is regarded in the sense of instrumentum or negotiumiuris. Another problem that may arise within the settlement of the referral with regard to the cancellation of documents is represented by the settlement competence. In theory, this will pertain to the preliminary chamber judge of the court which would have the competence to examine the case on the merits, certainly, according to the pre-established criteria of the criminal processual rules. Under these circumstances, if there aren’t any discussions in relation to material competence, this being given by the juridical classification of the deed for which the dismissal of action, respectively by the abandonment of the criminal prosecution, has been ordered, with regard to personal competence, we will clarify some aspects. At the same time we will try to answer an apparently simple question, namely: is it legally possible to administer evidence during the settlement of such a referral?
  • In this study, the author, starting with a specific case, refers to the patrimonial liability of the employees grounded on Article 253 (3) of the Labour Code. The text takes over from the common law the so-called action for regress of the principal for the act of the agent, provided by Article 1384 of the Civil Code. However, this action is possible only if the agent (the summoned employee) is liable for the prejudice, and not in the assumption that other persons or the principal himself (the employer) is guilty for causing the prejudice. At the same time, the elements of the contractual civil liability of the employees, consisting in the illicit act, causing damage to the employer’s patrimony, the causal link between the illicit act and the prejudice, as well as their guilt, are cumulative; the lack of one of them removes the mentioned liability.
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