• În România, dreptul de proprietate privată este unul esențial, fiind prevăzut în Constituție1 în cadrul capitolului II referitor la drepturile și libertățile fundamentale. Acest act normativ reglementează dreptul de proprietate privată în mod detaliat, în cele nouă alineate ale art. 44. Pentru a reglementa acest drept, legiuitorul constituant a avut la dispoziție un vast material documentar, format în primul rând din dispozițiile vechiului Cod civil referitoare la proprietate și la regimul ei juridic, bogata doctrină acumulată între timp, precum și practica judiciară a instanțelor, toate acestea fiind adaptate la dinamica continuă a vieții sociale și a circuitului civil din societatea românească, la care se adaugă dreptul comparat în materie
  • Potrivit art. 457 alin. (1) C.pr.civ., hotărârea judecătorească este supusă numai căilor de atac prevăzute de lege, în condițiile și termenele stabilite de aceasta, indiferent de mențiunile din dispozitivul ei. De asemenea, conform prevederilor art. 460 alin. (3) C.pr.civ., în cazul în care prin aceeași hotărâre au fost soluționate mai multe cereri principale sau incidentale, dintre care unele sunt supuse apelului, iar altele recursului, hotărârea în întregul ei este supusă apelului.
  • The very short term usucapion can be considered a specific simplified usucapion, regulated by the provisions of the Law No 7/1996, as amended and supplemented, which represents a special way of acquiring the property right with regard to the real estates, in principle, not registered in the land book and for which there are no property deeds, through the possession noted in the land book uninterrupted for a period of 3 years. The specific usucapion analyzed applies only for the acquisition of the property right, in case of sporadic registration operation, regarding real estate lands, with or without constructions, which may form the object of private property, not registered in the land book or registered in the land book opened under the Decree-law No 115/1938, in accordance with the law.
  • Formalism is often a topic of discussion approached by reference to the form of the juridical act, more precisely to the consent externalized and recorded in a solemn act. This act is frequently outlined in the form of a notarial act, composed of two parts: the externalization of the manifestation of will of the parties and the findings of the notary public (recorded in the conclusion of authentication). The formalities presuppose any legal procedure which gives rise to a certain form and that adds safety, effectiveness and opposability to the manifestation of will. The notarial succession procedure is characterized by three procedural stages and ends with a conclusion of the notary public: the first part of this decision records the persons participating in the succession debate and the statements of those present, and the second part contains the findings of the notary public with regard to the statements of heirs in the first part of the conclusion. This conclusion issued within the succession procedure has the probative force of an authentic document, on the basis of which the certificate of heir is issued. In this study we intend to make a brief presentation of the procedural formalism, of the formalities prior to and subsequent to the conclusion of the civil juridical act. The notarial deed is the result of a concurrence between the manifestation of will of the party (or parties) and the obligations of the notary public which have a single result: the elaboration of a juridical act in accordance with the legal norms and good morals. The analysis is relevant to allow a comparative look between the formalities necessary for the elaboration of a notarial act and the formalities of the notarial succession procedure, which is completed by the certificate of heir, an act of a special legal nature.
  • The study aims to analyze good and bad faith, which are in a relationship of complementarity, but each with its own individuality, in the phases of negotiation, conclusion and performance of the contract. In the analysis of the forms of manifestation of bad faith in the pre-contractual stage made in the light of the regulation of the Civil Code, there is a tendency to mark the delimitation between contractual freedom, the right to interrupt negotiations, in case of their failure, and bad faith in interrupting negotiations. The study also addresses the complex issues related to the obligation of the parties to information, self-information, dolus through reluctance, to violence, arising from the economic inequality of the parties and harmful conduct and the repercussions, in terms of free and conscious consent, with the corresponding legal sanctions. The problem of repairing the damage caused by the interruption in bad faith or without justification of the negotiations is analyzed in its material and moral dimension, but also in terms of the damage caused by the loss of a chance.
  • Potrivit art. 349 alin. (1) C.pen., neluarea vreuneia dintre măsurile legale de securitate și sănătate în muncă de către persoana care avea îndatorirea de a lua aceste măsuri, dacă se creează un pericol iminent de producere a unui accident de muncă sau de îmbolnăvire profesională, se pedepsește cu închisoare de la 6 luni la 3 ani sau cu amendă.
  • One of the most controversial institutions of Romanian criminal procedural law is the institution of exclusion of evidence. We considered it necessary to carry out this comparative law study so that law practitioners as well as any interested person could observe how this institution appeared and how it is applied in other countries and in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
  • Protecția drepturilor omului1 , în esența sa, a fost la început o afacere internă a statelor și era asigurată într-un cadru național. Treptat, ea și-a făcut loc și în dreptul internațional, care a început să se intereseze de drepturile persoanelor în prima jumătate a veacului trecut, urmare a unor evenimente, cum ar fi revoluția rusă, genocidul asupra poporului armean, ascensiunea la putere a partidului nazist în Germania, ce au determinat mișcări forțate de populație. Era în firescul lucrurilor ca primele instrumente internaționale de protecție a persoanelor să se refere cu precădere la drepturile refugiaților și la drepturile minorităților. În legătură cu drepturile refugiaților, cu titlu de exemplu, relevăm: Aranjamentul privind eliberarea de certificate de identitate refugiaților ruși și armeni din 12 mai 1926; Aranjamentul relativ la statutul juridic al refugiaților ruși și armeni din 30 iunie 1928; Convenția asupra statutului internațional al refugiaților din 28 octombrie 1933; Convenția privind statutul refugiaților provenind din Germania. Cu referire la drepturile minorităților, amintim: tratatele speciale – (de)numite despre minorități – care au fost încheiate în urma Primului Război Mondial cu Polonia, Cehoslovacia, Statul Sârbo-Croato-Sloven, România și Grecia. Pe de altă parte, dispoziții în favoarea minorităților au fost inserate și în tratatele de pace încheiate cu Austria, Bulgaria, Ungaria și Turcia.
  • The article addresses the issue of cancellation of documents resulting from the commission of a crime, mainly concerning the special procedure regulated in Article 5491 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The legal nature of the institution of cancellation of documents resulting from the commission of an offence is the same, regardless of whether it is ordered by the court of law, pursuant to Article 25 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Procedure Code, or by the judge of the preliminary chamber, pursuant to Article 5491 of the Criminal Procedure Code. In the majority specialized literature it was embraced the opinion according to which within the procedure of abolition of documents regulated in Article 5491 of the Criminal Procedure Code only the document regarded as instrumentum probationis may be revoked, and not the legal operation attested by the respective document as negotium juris. Also, the majority doctrine considers that the procedure for the cancellation of documents can be applied only in case of committing forgery offences, not also in case the documents would come from committing other offences. This article seeks to question the correctness of these doctrinal opinions, bringing some arguments in the sense that the cancellation also refers to the legal operation (negotium) and may also concern documents resulting from the commission of offences other than those of forgery.
  • For the Romanian legal system, the case law does not have the quality of a formal source of law. However, the legal reality, viewed also from a historical perspective, has demonstrated the essential role of judicial practice in the interpretation and application of the law, in building argumentative practices, in clarifying the will of the legislator and discovering the less obvious meanings of legal norms and, last but not least, in the unification of legal thinking and practice. That is why case law, along with doctrine, is an important component of the Romanian legal system. Starting from these considerations, in this study we aim to emphasize some aspects of the role of the constitutional case law in shaping and even in the development of some principle s of law. We emphasize in particular its contribution to the emergence and development of the constitutional review of laws, as well as to the edification of principles of law. We mainly analyze the role of judicial practice in the construction of the principle of proportionality in constitutional law, of the principle of equality and the interference between the principle of proportionality and the principle of equality. In this sense, we support the role of the case law not only in the correct interpretation and application of constitutional norms, but also in their construction, in discovering the existing normative meanings most often only implicitly in the formal expression of the legal norm of the above-mentioned constitutional principles. Thus, the case law in constitutional matters is not limited to the interpretation by classical methods of the norms of the Fundamental Law, but has an important contribution to the clarification and construction of some principles of law, to the constitutionalization of the entire legislative system and of judicial practice of all courts of law
  • The sale-purchase contract is undoubtedly, in the 21st century and in the landscape of the Romanian law, the most frequent contract used in practice, having an essential and decisive role in the organization and development of social and economic life. The complexity, variations and particularities of this contract, starting from its conclusion and until the exhaustion of all its effects, contribute to shaping the overwhelming importance of the sale, of the „standard contract” which is the most used legal instrument for transferring goods. In this context, the effectiveness, usefulness and practical applicability of a sale-purchase contract depend essentially on its structural, „anatomical” elements, namely the essential, intrinsic and extrinsic conditions of validity which directly determine the effects of the sale. Depending on these structural elements there are researched and assessed the validity of any contract, in whose absence its legal effects cannot operate, and, if they operate, they will be abolished with all the consequences which they entail. Thus, the valid formation of the sale contract implies more than a simple analysis of the mechanism of realization of the will agreement; it necessarily involves a detailed examination of the structural elements of the contract which are referred in the law as being „the essential conditions for the validity of the contract”. Any dispute which may arise, having as object a sale-purchase contract, will be based primarily on the analysis of the legal fulfilment of the very conditions of validity of this contract, which will unequivocally determine the subsistence of the contract, as well as the extent and applicability of its effects
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