Faptul că procurorul nu și-a manifestat opțiunea de a menține dispoziția de trimitere în judecată sau de a solicita restituirea cauzei într-un termen de 5 zile, în condițiile art. 345 alin. (3) C.pr.pen., nu îl decade din dreptul de a formula contestație în condițiile art. 347 alin. (1) C.pr.pen., în lipsa unor dispoziții legale exprese, și solicita începerea judecății în contextul constatării legalității sesizării instanței, a administrării probelor și a efectuării actelor de urmărire penală (cu notă aprobativă).
The present study aims to present a series of case law decisions in which the role and the activity of the central bank has proved to be insufficiently considered in depth by the Romanian courts. The application thereby, as regards the National Bank of Romania, of some legal provisions addressed to commercial banks, confusing the administrative review on the acts of the central bank with the administrative jurisdiction, overlapping restraints of the constitutional frameworks in which the National Bank has activated throughout its history, inconsistencies with the vision accepted at European level regarding the attributions and independence of the central banks are widely treated in an attempt to clarify the specific position that the central bank holds in the Romanian institutional landscape. There were presented some solutions from the judicial practice that highlight the need for doctrinal clarifications regarding the nature of the activity of the central bank, including from the European perspective. The importance of knowing them is determined by the significant effects that the correct or incorrect application of the norms and principles regarding the central bank can produce not only at the level of the administrative law, but also at criminal or economic level.
In this study, the author analyzes the possibility of granting the public judicial aid, according to the national legislation and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, regarding the bail necessary to be paid in the cases regarding the provisional suspension of enforcement, according to Article 719 (7) of the Civil Procedure Code. Regarding the situation prior to pronouncing the decision in the Case S.C. ECO INVEST S.R.L. and Ilie Bolmadar versus Romania, special attention is paid to the way of transposing the Directive of the Council of the European Union 2003/8/EC to improve the access to justice in cross-border disputes by establishing some minimum common rules relating to the legal aid for such disputes, as well as the jurisprudential reversal of the Case Micallef versus Malta. At the same time, there are emphasized the relevant provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance No 51/2008 on judicial public aid in civil matters.
Potrivit art. 181 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 78/2000 pentru prevenirea, descoperirea și sancționarea faptelor de corupție, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, folosirea sau prezentarea cu rea-credință de documente ori declarații false, inexacte sau incomplete, dacă fapta are ca rezultat obținerea pe nedrept de fonduri din bugetul general al Uniunii Europene sau din bugetele administrate de aceasta ori în numele ei, se pedepsește cu închisoare de la 2 la 7 ani și interzicerea unor drepturi.
The study analyzes how the investigation of the trial and debate of the fund has been regulated, from the publication of the new Civil Procedure Code to the adoption of the Law No 310/2018 amending and supplementing the Law No 134/2010 on the Civil Procedure Code. Initially, the investigation of the trial before the first instance was expected to be carried out as a rule, in the council chamber and, by exception, in public session. The debate of the fund could take place both in public session and in the council chamber. The entry into force of the provisions regarding the investigation of the trial and the debate of the fund in the council chamber has been postponed several times, never entering into force, so that by the Law No 310/2018 these provisions be abandoned. In this way, the intermediate situation by which the investigation of the trial and the debate of the fund were held in public session became permanent. In our opinion, it is criticizable to abandon the holding of the civil trial in the council chamber, given the predominantly private character of the rights and interests of the parties involved and the guarantee of the right to privacy.
Treaty of Trianon, an international document of unquestionable political-legal value and, at the same time, of capital value for Romania, which certifies the full legitimacy of its existence inside its current borders – also including Transylvania –, is unconditionally fully valid and thus remains as such, having been applied for a century. It is for the Romanians to comply with the sacred duty to know its provisions as rigorously as possible and to ensure, at any cost and without any hesitation, the strict observance of its provisions. Under no circumstance it is admitted a hesitating or passive attitude, without reply when its validity is questioned. Thus, it is created the impression that Romania would agree that the Treaty of Trianon is no longer of interest to the Romanian State or that there would be some indifference to the regulations which it contains, favouring confusions and forming opinions that prejudice the value of this Treaty.
One of the most controversial institutions of Romanian criminal procedural law is the institution of exclusion of evidence. We considered it necessary to carry out this comparative law study so that law practitioners as well as any interested person could observe how this institution appeared and how it is applied in other countries and in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
Property (or ownership), seen as a subjective right, is the principle according to which we legally determine who can own what, how and to what extent. The legal conception of property rights is reflected in the economy, and the economy, by the force of its oftentimes ideologically driven mandates, spills over into the realm of the Law, molding our understanding of property to the very same extent that this understanding molds, constrains and defines the economy itself. The right of property, as a legal category, is not fixed and unchanging. On the contrary, property lends itself to a multiplicity of conceptual frameworks, sometimes at odds with one another. The modern understanding of property, however, is deeply indebted to Roman law. The Roman spirit, mercantile par excellence, is embedded into the innermost recesses of our contemporary theories of property rights. All this because the Roman legacy includes a perfectly flexible conceptual toolkit, eminently adapted to the whims of the market. The analysis of all of this constitutes the object of this study.
The statistics at national level of the disputes of administrative contentious indicate a substantial share thereof in relation to the other matters handled by the courts and reveals an increasingly „blunt” relationship of the Romanian State with its citizen. The alternative means of solving the disputes generated by the activity of the public administration, present in the Romanian legislation, prove to be insufficient to reach the purpose for which they were instituted, and the recent changes brought to the material competence of the administrative contentious courts have generated to a small extent the results pursued by the legislator. The global phenomenon that marks the public law, of progressive replacement of the unilateral character of the public action with models based on dialogue and consensus, more suitable to strengthen the democratic legitimacy and the efficiency of the relations between the administration and the citizens, requires the connection of policies in the field of judicial organization, in this case of the specialized component of administrative contentious and the doctrine of administrative law, to the global approach regarding the resolution of conflicts between the administration and the citizens, including by applying the solutions validated by the experience of other national systems.