• In this paper, the author analyzes the functional competence of the hierarchically superior prosecutor to carry out criminal prosecution acts in criminal files investigated by the criminal investigation bodies whose supervision is exercised by the prosecutor within the prosecutor’s office. For this purpose, a first starting point is the Criminal Procedure Code, which regulates the judicial function of criminal prosecution in criminal trial, respectively the competence of the prosecutor in performing this function, but references are also made to the Internal Regulation of the prosecutor’s offices of 14 November 2019, to the case law of the Constitutional Court of Romania in the matter, but also to the principle of the hierarchical control that governs the activity within the Public Ministry, principle with constitutional rank, regulated by the provisions of Articles 131–132 of the Constitution. The conclusion reached after presenting a pertinent argumentation is that the hierarchically superior prosecutor does not have the functional competence to lead and supervise the activity of the criminal investigation bodies, which is carried out within the criminal files assigned to the subordinated prosecutors, considering his quality of chief prosecutor.
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