Increasing the volume of the regulations influences the activity of the companies and of the administrators, implying the risk of the liability of the latter to the company for business decisions non-compliant from a legal point of view. In Part I of the study it was analyzed the legal regime of the obligation of the administrators to comply with the law and the implications of intentionally making business decisions contrary to the law. The conclusion is that the obligation to comply with the law can be seen as an independent obligation or can be explained through the doctrine ultra vires, but it can also be associated with the obligations of loyalty and diligence. Part II of the study examines whether there are potential exceptions that may justify the making of some decisions non-compliant from a legal point of view and whether the liability of administrators could be excluded or limited in certain situations. In principle, the profit-making, the attainment of other interests for the company or the ratification of the decision by the shareholders is not able to justify and to exclude the liability of the administrators for making decisions contrary to the law. Likewise, these decisions exclude the application of some guarantees against liability such as the business judgment rule, the liability clauses and the liability insurance. However the social, economic and technological transformations accompanied by the inefficient legislation and the phenomenon of regulatory entrepreneurship can provide arguments sufficiently convincing so as to change the paradigm as concerns the obligation of compliance. Although the proposed problems and solutions seem to be obvious, the study discusses some aspects not addressed in the local doctrine, but which do not lack theoretical and practical importance.
Termination of a contract certainly raises a multitude of questions for the party wishing to invoke the resolution or termination of the contract. This study intends to present the main out-of-court alternatives available to the parties to a convention, namely the unilateral declaration of resolution and the Commission Pact, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each institution under review, as well as the guidelines of the main legal systems and opinions expressed in the practice that appeared with the entry into force of the new Civil Code. By analyzing all the aspects mentioned above, we tried to facilitate the choice of the party that wants to terminate a contract. We also presented some proposals that could improve the usefulness of these institutions, especially the unilateral declaration of resolution, proposals aimed at the correlation between this declaration and the land book, as well as the various cases that may arise in notarial practice.
Starting from a legal classification found in a situation from the judicial practice, the author of this study addresses the delicate issue constantly generating contradictory solutions of the relation between the abuse of office and other offences from the same category, committed by the same deed, applying the rules of ideal (formal) concurrence of offences. The arguments are convincing and allow the conclusion that, in such situations, it cannot be retained the commission of a concurrence of offences, whereas the abuse of service, whether there are involved deeds committed under the incidence of the current Criminal Code or of the previous Criminal Code, maintains its subsidiary character, the incrimination text which defines it becoming incident only insofar as it cannot be retained another offence which violates the social relations that constitute legal object for these service offences.
Transnational law is one of the topics hotly debated by the legal scholars all over the world. The present paper furnishes some research instances able to stress the importance of the transnational law itself. The so-called „supply chains” require the virtues of the transnational law, mainly understood as methodology, to be put in action. From a practical point of view, this paper points out the way in which the nations-States and corporations behave in settings truly transnational. From an academic point of view, this paper invites the Schools of Law from Romania to include the so-called „Theory of Transnational Law” in their academic curricula.
Family relationships are an area of great interest due to its intimacy and sensitivity. Because of the unpredictability of modern life, many families are falling apart. Thus, the issue of dissolution of marriage, whether through divorce or separation, is of paramount importance for modern society. Both the European Union and some Member States, especially the predominantly Catholic ones, have adapted to religious realities and regulated spouses’ separation through secular laws. The purpose of this article is to reveal that the Romanian law has the institution of spouses’ separation which produces, however, only effects of canon law, and not of civil law. The methods used in support of our thesis are analysis and synthesis. In Romania, the state recognized the Canonical Codes of the Roman-Catholic and Oriental Churches that provide for separation. But it denies any civil, secular effects of the institution. It is high time for the Romanian legislator to regulate the institution of spouses’ separation whether by altering the Civil Code or through a concordat between the state and the Holy See. The secular effects of spouses’ separation will protect the religious freedom of the Catholic people and the traditions of the Roman Catholic denomination. Moreover, introducing legal separation in the Romanian law will ensure a better application of the private international law of the European Union which provides for the international jurisdiction and for the law applicable to such separation.
Arbitrability is the entry point of arbitration: it identifies those cases which can be settled by way of arbitration and in which the parties can exclude court procedures and state courts. This article examines, in light of the applicable international treaties, the choice-of-law rule that determines the law applicable to arbitrability and, in order to establish this choice-of-law rule, analyzes the purpose of arbitrability. It argues that arbitrability should be conceived as a question of competence and not as a question emerging from public policy. It follows from this thesis that the application of the law of the forum (lex fori), the dominant approach in international treaty law, is not justified and the exclusion of arbitrability is warranted only in cases which belong to the exclusive competence of the courts of or raise real problems of public policy for the forum.
According to Article 41 (1) of the Criminal Code, if the offender convicted by a final judgment is subsequently tried for a concurrent offence, the previously established punishment, under the conditions of concurrence of offences, shall be separated, the increase shall be removed and it shall be merged with the newly applied punishment, adding a new increase. In compliance with Article 10 of the Law No 187/2012, when at least one of the offences in the structure of plurality has been committed under the new law, the sanctioning treatment of plurality shall be applied according to the new law, even if for the other offences the punishment was established according to the former, more favourable law. This legal provision comes in conflict with the principle of non-retroactivity of the criminal law.
The purpose of this article is to approach the common features of medicine and law – the principles which have to govern the medical behaviour and medical liability. Medical principles were often ignored by legal literature (which is so hard to find), but there are a few notes in medical ethics. Medical principles rule the manner in which the provider of medical services, devices, pharmaceuticals, the doctor and the National Health Insurance House are acting in regard to the patient. Meanwhile, ignoring this principles will lead to engaging the liability of doctors, providers of medical services, the devices and pharmaceuticals or, even worse, may result in the agreement’s invalidity. These principles constitute the foundation of a new era, under construction – medical law and they need to become the primary rule for those who are involved in both medicine and law. Our research revealed that medical law is at its beginnings. The purpose of this study is to offer an in-depth analysis and understanding of medical law, by studying its bases (medical principles).
Prin renunțarea la dreptul de a invoca accesiunea, proprietarul fondului abandonează prerogativa folosinței terenului în favoarea proprietarului construcției, pe toată durata de existență a acesteia, generând un mod atipic de naștere a dreptului de superficie, acceptat în sistemul Codului civil din 1864 și prevăzut expres în sistemul actualului Cod civil la art. 693 alin. (4) teza I. Așadar, în forma sa deplină, superficia ca dezmembrământ al dreptului de proprietate imobiliară are în conținutul său proprietatea asupra construcției și prerogativa folosinței terenului (ca atribut al proprietății, iar nu doar o simplă stare de fapt protejată juridic, atribut transmis pe durata de existență a construcției de către proprietarul fondului către constructor). Or, așa cum am arătat mai sus, prin contractele de închiriere pârâta a transmis folosința terenului ca și obiect al unei obligații personale pentru o anumită durată, și nu ca atribut al proprietății, pe toată durata existenței construcției. (Curtea de Apel Timișoara, Secția I civilă, Decizia nr. 114 din 30 iunie 2021, www.rolii.ro)