Take Ionescu was one of Romania’s most remarkable politicians at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the next one, especially before and during the First World War. He was active in politics over 30 years, especially within Conservative Party, whose leader wanted to become, but without success, the competition being intense along with great figures of the Romanian politics of those times: Petre Carp, Alexandru Marghiloman, Nicolae Filipescu, George Gr. Cantacuzino and others. He was one of the brightest orator in the Romanian Parliament, being known and feared by the close logic of his interventions and his great popularity, which attracted close to him many and valuable persons, among them: Constantin Dissescu, Nicolae Titulescu, the historian Xenopol, Dr. C. Istrati, etc. Among his qualities were seriousness and competence, approaches on multiple plans, which was why he was minister in seven governments and, towards the end of his career, was for the short time Prime Minister of the Government. He formed a dissident Conservative Party, which played an important role in the first decades of the 20th century, participating in the exercise of power with other political parties. Take Ionescu was one of the most conscious fighters for the cause of the Great Union of all the Romanians, tirelessly militating for participation in the World War I, along with the Entente countries, which they supported. He was intended to play an important role at the Peace Conference in Paris, but vanities and politicking games made to be absent from this event, where his contribution would have been particularly useful. In the end, as Foreign Minister in the Government of General Averescu, Take Ionescu was the architect of the Balkan Pact, which his disciple Nicolae Titulescu put into practice.