Human personality represents the synthetic expression of biological, psychological and social features, a result of the interaction of fundamental factors: heredity, environment and education. People cannot exist like isolated, single individuals, but only as individuals who are in a permanent cooperation with each other for the purpose of transforming the social environment. For this reason, the human being, as personality, reflects an entire ensemble of psychophysiological, moral and esthetic features and capacities, abilities etc. These factors of the human personality (genetic and acquired) mandatorily create the elements of human dignity: honor, which is an inborn attribute and reputation, which is an acquired attribute. For this reason, the protection of the dignity of the person has represented a subject of legal protection since the earliest times for all legislations, and only the content of incrimination or the penalty prescribed by the incriminatory rule has varied. At present, as well, human dignity represents a fundamental social value that needs to be protected since the normal development of social life is not possible without protecting this value. The European countries with modern legislation have regulated the incrimination of crimes against dignity. In the spirit of our tradition and of adapting the Romanian legislation to the European legislation, Romania is required to do the same thing. The grounds presented in this article represent arguments in this respect.