Medical malpractice is a subject that lately generates more and more and increasingly heated controversies. On the one hand, the patients are more and more dissatisfied with the medical services and the way they are cared for, the conditions existing in the hospital units, the quality itself of the medical act, and on the other hand, the doctors, besides the fact that they carry on their activity in poor conditions, in underfunded and understaffed hospital units, feel more and more harassed and fear that they can at any time be brought before the prosecutors as possible „criminals”. Within this article we intend to approach a quite delicate topic, namely the settlement of malpractice conflicts. Why is this a difficult problem? Why malpractice conflicts are more „delicate”? Why is it harder to solve such a conflict, as compared to a different kind of conflict? The answer is simple and widely accepted. The doctor-patient relationship is a special one. The doctorpatient relationship involves more than rights and obligations and the exercise thereof. This paper aims to draw attention and highlight the benefits of the settlement of the malpractice conflicts by using alternative methods. The results of the study can be used in the future both as a source for a possible future expansion of this study, but also as a starting point for a possible de lege ferenda amendment of the current legislation.
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