The author considers that article 288 paragraph (1) of the National Education Law no. 1/2011 (text according to which the didactic activities exceeding a didactic workload are remunerated for each hour worked, and for the tenured didactic staff – in the higher education system – the maximum number of paid hours in the regime of payment per hour, no matter the educational establishment where the respective hours are worked, cannot exceed the minimum didactic workload) breaches the provisions of the Constitution of Romania, even though the Constitutional Court adjudicated otherwise under the decision no. 1090/2011. The basic argument forwarded by the author is that, in case of certain similar regulations contained in the contents of certain previous similar legislative instruments (Law no. 88/1993 and Law no. 128/1997), the same Constitutional Court, according to two decisions (no. 114/1994 and no. 30/1998) ruled otherwise than it had ruled in 2011 (that is, it stated that those decisions were unconstitutional).