The law amending and supplementing the Law No 254/2013, a law which has not been promulgated and has not entered into force, has been through a controversial legislative process, involving the disregarding by the legislative power of the effects specific to the decisions of the Constitutional Court, pronounced before the enactment of the laws, assisting in the delivery of three decisions of the Court with regard to the same law, by two of them being established the unconstitutionality of the law as a whole. Finally, as a result of the cessation by law of the legislative process, the only possibility of the legislative power to regulate the regime of home detention is represented by the start of a new legislative approach, this time in compliance with the principle of bicameralism. At the same time, the intrinsic analysis of the provisions regarding the regime of home detention has resulted in the identification of legislative gaps, of the lack of clarity of the legal nature of the institution, of the lack of precision and predictability in the process of applying the regime of home detention, as well as in the identification of numerous cases of legislative parallelism. In compliance with the legislative will to establish the regime of execution of the imprisonment sentence at home, the results of the intrinsic analysis have led to the formulation of some de lege ferenda proposals regarding the regulation of the regime of detention at home, by amending Law No 254/2013.