The codification is not only the expression of the political will of the legislator, but mainly a complex judicial technique of selecting and adjusting the normative content needed and adequate for a certain social, political, economic or institutional reality. As the constitution is a law, but it is rather differentiated from a law, the question to be raised shall consist in deciding what kind of legal rules it comprises. The settlement of this problem has to take into consideration the specificity of the fundamental law, but also the requirements of the codification theory. The establishment of the normative content of the constitution with all scientific rigor shall be indispensable, both for the removal of the inaccuracy as regards the determination of the differences from the law, for the stability and predictability of the basic law and last but not least for the reality and effectiveness of its supremacy. This study carries out an analysis of the techniques and requirements of selecting and adjusting the constitutional rules depending on the comparative criteria, referring to their specificity, to the practice of other states and within the historical background.