The supremacy of the Constitution has as main consequence the compliance of the entire law with the constitutional rules. Guaranteeing the respect for this principle, being essential for the state of law, is primarily an attribute of the Constitutional Court, but also an obligation of the legislature to receive through the normative acts adopted, in content and form, the constitutional rules. The entry into force of the new criminal codes has generated a significant case law of the Constitutional Court concerning the verification of constitutionality of some regulations of the Criminal Code and of the Criminal Procedure Code. Through this study we intend to analyze the following more important aspects: a) how the constitutional principles and values have been materialized in some criminal rules and criminal processual rules of the new codes; b) the effects of the decisions of the Constitutional Court in the process of constitutionalisation of the criminal law; c) applying the decisions of the Constitutional Court in the judicial activity, especially those which have established the unconstitutionality of some regulations in the new criminal codes.