This study examines – critically – the Romanian legal regulations regarding the termination of the term of office for a “local elected official”, which refers to: local advisors, county advisors, presidents and vice-presidents of county councils, the general mayor of the city of Bucharest, deputy mayors and the village delegate, who is also assimilated to local elected officials. Difficulties arise from the fact that the termination – upon expiry or prior to expiry – of the term of office for “local elected officials” in Romania is regulated, at present, directly or indirectly, by four laws, namely: Law no. 393/2004 on the status of local elected officials; Law no. 215/2001 (republished on 20 February 2007) on the local public administration; Law no. 161/2003 on ensuring transparency in carrying out public dignities, public functions and in the business environment, the prevention and sanctioning of corruption and in Law no. 144/ 2007 on the setting up, organizing and functioning of the National Integrity Agency. In order to avoid any difficulties generated by such a legislative system, the unification of regulations in this field is proposed (as well as some amendments to the laws) exclusively in the content of Law no. 393/2009 on the status of local elected officials.