Part of EU law – both primary and especially secondary – waste problem is a complex multi-faceted one in its aspects. Since the first programs of action on the environment (EAP) – the first (1973–1977), the second (1977–1983) – to the last, the seventh such program (2013–2020) entitled A better environment for a better life, the challenge of waste is dealt with either issue on its own, or as part of wider objectives. Whatever the approach, solving subordinates to old or new principles of environmental law as formulated in the first EAP and then developed in other programs of action. These are: prevention is better than cure; EIA should be considered at an early stage of decision making; exploitation of nature by means of causing significant damage to the ecological balance should be avoided; scientific knowledge must be improved to allow for appropriate action; „polluter pays” principle, the polluter should bear the cost of prevention and environmental restoration after damage thereto; activities of a Member State shall not cause damage to the environment of other States.