In essence, the article emphasizes the inconsistent practice of the courts, as regards the consequences of changing the legal classification of the criminal offence – the subject matter of the judgment – by indictment, an action of initiating proceedings before the court, on the means of appeal in the criminal trial. The legal matter under discussion takes into consideration the impact of the provisions of art. 361, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Criminal Procedure Code and of art. 3851 paragraph 1, letter d1 of the Criminal Procedure Code, according to which the judgments regarding criminal offences for which the initiation of criminal procedure is carried out following the preliminary complaint of the injured person cannot be challenged with an appeal, but only with a second appeal . Thus, in relation to the new legal classification of the criminal offence – the subject matter of the judgment – the means of appeal that can be used in such criminal cases must be established. In our opinion, in case of changing the legal classification, the legal classification given to the criminal offence – the subject matter of the judgment – by the court whose decision is subject to judicial review is decisive in establishing the means of appeal.