
This study makes an examination of the legal provisions regarding the retirement of the university teaching staff. There are analyzed in a critical manner the provisions stated in Article 289 (3) and (6) of the Law on national education No 1/2011, which refers to the continuation of activity by the retired teaching staff and to the maintenance of the quality of titular in education and/or research. The author believes that the syntagms used by the mentioned texts do not receive an exemplary drafting, which may lead to different interpretations. The author also points out that, in the administrative practice, some university senates have adopted methodologies capable of annihilating the application of the legal provisions regarding the maintenance of the quality of titular of the teaching staff, solution appreciated as deeply illegal. At the end of his study, the author considers that it is necessary a better drafting of the texts relating to the maintainance in office of the university teaching staff whose teaching and scientific performance is undeniable. Likewise, de lege ferenda, it is estimated that such a possibility should be recognized only for university professors, not for all teaching staff.

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