Separately from the assumption that the public authority has issued with a delay the answer to the application of the person concerned, in the administrative practice there is a situation which, due to its frequency, is likely to become a real phenomenon of the silence of the administration. It concerns the inaction of the administration that, separately from the classic situation represented by the passivity to answer to the applications of individuals, lies in its omission to act in the exercise of its legal competence or of the competence imposed by the administration itself, in this latter situation discussed a genuine „ex officio” inaction/silence, which in other countries not only is recognized, but it even benefits from a separate regulatory framework. Or, this assumption of the administration’s omission to act in order to carry out its legal competences or those established „ex officio” does not benefit in the Romanian law by a normative framework that would allow it to be challenged in the administrative disputes court, which determined us to also make a de lege ferenda proposal appeared from the undertaken analysis.