In this study, the author analyzes the protection measure by means of adjudication of incapacity of certain natural persons, mentally ill, by drawing a comparison between, on the one hand, the dispositions of the New Civil Code and the New Code of Civil Procedure, and, on the other hand, the old regulation contained in the Family Code of 1953 and the Ordinance no. 32/1954 regarding enactment of the Family Code and the Ordinance regarding natural persons and legal entities. In its essence, the New Civil Code preserves almost entirely the provisions of the previous regulation on this protection measure, bringing just a few elements of novelty, such as the possibility of appointing the custodian by a competent person, in case of future adjudication of incapacity or acknowledgement by law of the validity of donations made by the custodian, without being exempted of report, to the descendants of the one adjudicated of incapacity. The same thing can be observed in case of procedural dispositions, the most significant amendment brought by the New Code of Civil Procedure to the procedure of adjudication of incapacity being the modernization of the advertising system with the purpose of permitting the measure ks opposability towards third parties, thus arising two new forms of publicity, namely land registration and trade register publicity.