Starting from two recent decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania, according to which the constitutional contentious court ruled that both the grounds and the purview of its decisions are generally mandatory, the authors of the study perform an examination of the case law of this Court, meant to support the stated rule. Based on numerous examples from the Constitutional Court case law, the importance of the grounds of decisions made by the court is emphasized, in particular when in such grounds the Court mentions the consequences of ascertaining the non-constitutionality of the texts under review. The conclusion of the study is that, in essence, the observance of the general mandatory character of the decisions of the Constitutional Court is not only a way to make its purview more efficient, but also to make the grounds more efficient, or the Court’s interpretation of the fundamental law. At the same time, an opinion is expressed that, in order to guarantee the Constitution, the intervention of the Constitutional Court is not only legitimate, but also necessary, in what regards the provision, in the contents of the grounds of decisions, considering the specific effect of constitutional law attached to any of the decisions of the Constitutional Court, of what the effects are of finding the texts under review constitutional or even non-constitutional.