Administrative jurisdiction on public procurement is carried out by the National Council for Solving Complaints and finalized with the pronouncement of certain administrative and judicial acts, called decisions. These can be attacked by complaint to the courts of appeal, whose decisions are final. The 2010 amendment to the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2006 on awarding public procurement contracts, public works and services concession contracts introduced the obligation of those who make complaints to pay legal fee in an amount which even now raises some questions. Alpha The practice of all courts of appeal in the country is to accept to charge the complaints with either 4 lei or 2 lei. Constanþa Court of Appeal chose to break away from this unwavering practice of the courts of appeal which it itself promoted until recently and to require claimants to pay a value charge according to the amounts provided for in Art. 28717 paragraph 1 of the Ordinance, namely between 0,01 lei and 1,100 lei, and not fixed amounts of 4 and 2 lei. This study enounces the two different solutions found in courts of appeal case law and the arguments that they are based on, whilst the author tries to generate thoughts on the issue of charging the complaints not only to those involved in the judicial process of settlement of the latter and the litigants, but also to the legislative body, with an eye to prompt and definitive clarification thereof.