Prevention and fight against cross-border offences specific to organized crime shall be a major aim assumed by the European Union, an aim which has become imperative in time because of the proliferation of criminality in the matter and implicitly of the high degree of social danger of these categories of criminal offences. The study exposes a comparative analysis of the European Framework normative act, as compared to the provisions contained in the national internal laws, the author revealing that the Romanian criminal law is present interest, and in these circumstances the Romanian legislator shall not operate any amendments for the transposition of this normative act in the Romanian law. Beforehand, this subject represented the subject matter of certain different investigations in the field of judicial cooperation in the criminal matter among the Member States, concretized in studies and items published in specialty journals or international conferences, where the need for the harmonization of laws was pointed out among the Member States. Likewise, this study exposes also certain critical remarks related to certain rules contained in the European normative act, which, according to the author’s opinion, should be supplemented. Finally, this study is distinguished both by the comparative examination of the Council Framework Decision 2008/841/ JHA of 24 October 2008, with the provisions of the national internal law, and by the critical formulated remarks.