The author performs a thorough analysis of the legal content regarding the crime of fraud, provided at art. 244 of the new Criminal Code, with frequent references to the domestic judicial practice and compared with the new criminal dispositions. With respect to the normative proceedings set forth at par. 3, 4 and 5 of art. 215 of the Criminal Code adopted on 1968, abolished by the new regulation, the author believes they have not been abrogated and they shall be found as factual methods in the legal content of the crime of fraud, provided at art. 244 of the new Criminal Code, as long as the other incrimination requirements therein indicated will be accomplished. However, the author expresses some reserves regarding removal of the circumstance from the fraud ks aggravated content, when it generates highly serious consequences, as well as regarding the oversized reduction of the special limits for the penalty provided for this serious crime. Furthermore, the object of criminal protection, the crime ks subjects, the objective and subjective aspect, the forms, methods, sanctions and some procedural aspects regarding the felony set forth at art. 244 of the new Criminal Code are examined. Moreover, the author does not hesitate to express his point of view regarding the constitutional content of this criminal felony and to suggest some solutions and own opinions.