The author makes a comprehensive and dense analysis of the exception of non-performance which, in his opinion, falls within the system of remedies for non-performance of contracts. At the beginning of his scientific speech, he has proceeded to a broad presentation of the notion, origin and foundations which justify the existence and the application of this important legal means, which is available to any party of a contractual relation, the content of which is formed of reciprocal and interdependent obligations. Likewise, he points out that, unlike the legislative state existing under the influence of the old Civil Code, currently, the exception of non-performance is expressly regulated, by general provisions, in Article 1556 of the new Civil Code, taken over in their essence from the German Civil Code, which entered into force on 1 January 1900. Having the provisions of the new Civil Code in this matter as legislative reference points, this study presents a vast debate on the scope of application, on the conditions of existence, on its own and specific mechanism of operation, as well as on the effects which this important remedy for non-performance of contracts produces between the contracting parties and to the third parties. The findings and the conclusions of the analysis have allowed the author to retain and to express the elements and the own features of the legal regime and of the functions specific to the exception of non-performance, based on which, ultimately, he proceeds to its delimitation from other related legal mechanisms, such as the legal compensation and the right of retention.