The participation of a tenderer in insolvency in a procedure for the award of a public procurement contract is regulated, mainly, by the directives on public procurement and by the laws which transpose them in the Member States. Within the current generation of directives on public procurement, the exclusion of the tenderer in insolvency is still classified into the category of facultative reasons of exclusion. However, as an element of novelty, if a Member State of the European Union decides to turn this reason of exclusion from facultative into mandatory, the State has the right to regulate certain circumstances in which the contracting authorities are prohibited from excluding such tenderer from the procedure. Whenever such regulation is contained in the national acts of transposition of directives, the contracting authority becomes bound to establish whether the conditions that impose the maintenance of the tenderer the procedure are met. The Romanian legislator has chosen to regulate that the contracting authority can not exclude from the award procedure the tenderer that is in the phase of observation or reorganization, if certain conditions are met. Having in view this obligation to establish whether certain conditions are met in order to maintain the tenderer in the phase of observation or of reorganization, as well as the amendments brought by the new directives in the matter of exercise of the right of the contracting authority to request clarifications, it is important to determine the extent to which, under the influence of the new regulations, the assessment commission will have to take a proactive approach or not, in order to decide whether to exclude or not such a tenderer.