
As the phrase „contractual balance” is too vague, for the purpose of clarifying its content, it has been used the notion of proportionality which is translated by a ratio between finality (purpose) and the means for achieving it. The proportionality, in its turn, does not consist in a mathematical relation, for this would mean ignoring the essence of the contract, namely the will of the contracting parties. So further specifications have been necessary in the sense that the proportionality is, at the same time, a measurement instrument and a sanction, namely a principle of fair-measure that puts into practice a finalised proportionality which relates to the legitimate objectives pursued or that should be pursued, which requires sometimes a strict proportionality, other times a relative proportionality, consisting in sanctioning only the obvious abuses. The proportionality contributes to the implementation of the principle of maintaining the durability and the efficiency of the contract, which favours the maintaining of the quality of the contract content, both at the time of its formation and for the duration of its performance, the sanction falling within the institution of lesion and, respectively, of unpredictability.

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