On 1 April 2016 there were celebrated 150 years since, by Decree of the Princely Lieutenancy, it had been approved the Regulation for establishing the Romanian Literary Society, with the special mission to determine the spelling, to elaborate the Romanian grammar and to start and develop the Romanian dictionary, thus representing „the act of birth” of the national academic institution. Transformed in 1867 into the Romanian Academic Society, it opened its area of concerns, along with literature and philology, to history and natural sciences, following that, by the Law of 1879, it would acquire legal personality and become „national institute” under the name of Romanian Academy. Over a century and a half of uninterrupted activity, the Academy was the major factor of enforcement of the Romanian spiritual unity, „the vital centre” of irradiation and promotion of the national science and culture. In this context, the law has been and still is at the same time foundation, form of culture, field of scientific knowledge, value of expression of the academic concerns, and the jurists, some of its most devoted promoters. Under the terms of transformation of the university into a setting almost exclusively for transmitting knowledge and skills of training of future professionals of law, the only forum for conducting the fundamental legal research and for the development of the science of law remains the Legal Research Institute of the Romanian Academy. In order to play such a role it must redefine its mission and re-establish its priorities, so as to provide the proper setting for the legal reflection and for the achievement of theoretical projects that should lead to the crystallization of the new Romanian doctrine of the law.