Examining the issue of the parents’ right to agree to their child’s journey in the country (in Romania) or abroad, after reviewing the legal regulations in this matter, the author reaches the conclusion that art. 18, paragraph 2 of Law no. 272/2004 (“Any journey made by children in the country and abroad shall be made subject to notification and consent of both parents; any disagreements between the parents in relation to expressing such consent shall be solved by the court of law”) provides for situations in which the parents exercise their parental rights together, while art. 30, paragraph 1, letter c of Law no. 248/2005 refers to the situation in which parental protection is divided pursuant to a court order (following divorce etc.). At the end, the author proves that the provisions of the new Romanian Civil Code (adopted y the Parliament and published in the Official Journal of Romania, but not yet effective) do not influence the above-mentioned legal regulations.