In this article, the author proposes to analyze the place and role of the constitutional law in the legal system, starting from the object of regulation of its norms: establishing the modalities of organization and functioning of the state and, within these, the forms of exercising and transmission of the powers through democratic electoral procedures, as well as of the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens. The constitutional law has received in doctrine a wide range of definitions in the doctrine, all authors emphasizing the quality of constitutional law to underlie the structuring of the national legal order, in the sense that all branches of law reside, at the level of general principles, in the constitutional law. The author states that the constitutional law norms are meant to protect and capitalize the most general interests of the society and of the state, as well as the fundamental values of a politically organized human community geographically located on a determined territory. Due to its structural role in the organization and functioning of the system of law, constitutional law sets guidelines for the other branches of law, takes over from these norms to which it is conferred the legal force of a constitutional norm and thus contributes to the shaping of a pyramidal hierarchy of norms of law depending on their legal force. At the bottom of the pyramid it is placed the Constitution, to which all the other norms of law are subordinated. The author also deals with the constitutionalization of the law, a process that results from the extension of the constitutional regulation of some social relations reserved by tradition to other branches of law.