Law no. 221/2009 regarding political convictions and their related administrative measures issued during the period 6 March 1945 – 22 December 1989 in art. 5 paragraph (1) letter a) sets forth the payment of non pecuniary damages for the above mentioned persons, damages which are owed by the State. Subsequently, according to the Government Emergency Ordinance no.62/2010, the content of art.5 paragraph (1) letter a) of Law no. 221/2009, was amended so that the above mentioned non pecuniary damages were limited to the maximum amount of Euro 10,000 for the convicted person, respectively Euro 5,000 or 2,000 for the spouse or for the Ist or IInd degree descendants. Pursuant to two decisions issued by the Constitutional Court in the year 2010, the content of art. 5 paragraph (1) letter a) of Law no. 221/2009 was declared to be unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court (both the original content, and the amended content, pursuant to 2 decisions of the Constitutional Court). Such being the case, the author considers that following the submission of these two decisions of the Constitutional Court, the entitled persons cannot be granted non pecuniary damages any more, this being also valid for the litigations pending (not being settled finally until the publication of those two above mentioned decisions.