In this study it is examined the legality of the control by the Court of Audit in the matter of public procurement provided that the legislator has conferred the jurisdiction of verifying the procedure for the award of these contracts to other specialized public authorities, and has conferred to the Court of Audit powers of general control on the manner of formation, management and use of the public financial resources. Taking advantage of these control powers with a wide range of coverage, the Court of Audit has extended, unlawfully, through its own regulations, this control over a specialized field, respectively that of the procedure for the award of public procurement contracts, overlapping the control exercised by other administrative authorities and affecting the stability of the legal relations arising from these contracts. That is why it is proposed the legislator’s intervention for the express regulation of the control powers of the Court of Audit in the matter of public procurement, the conditions and limits of this control, in order to avoid the parallelism and the conflict of jurisdiction between this public authority and the other specialized administrative authorities in the field.