The process of fighting against tax evasion has been and continues to be of particular importance for the Romanian legislator, due to the negative effects which this widespread phenomenon generates on the economic and social life, affecting the long-term development of a country faced with a fragile economy, still in transition. Despite the legislative developments of the last years, the normative framework in force continues to generate certain controversies, due to the different application and interpretation of the law, one of them being the modality to settle the civil action in the criminal trial, in case of tax evasion offences. Starting from the mentioned premise situation, the author of this study tries to provide an answer to one of the problems noticed in the process of interpretation and application of the law, related to the possibility of granting ancillary tax claims in the criminal trial. In this context, having regard to the legal framework in force, the author expresses his opinion on the impossibility to provide this kind of claims in the criminal trial, however expressing the opinion that the contrary solution, beneficial for the purpose pursued by the legislator, could form the object of legislative intervention, thereby providing a solid foundation for the solutions binding the author of the offence to pay the ancillary tax claims, even in a modality atypical to the tort civil liability, which serves as a model in the criminal trial.