Among the assets that are the object to public property and are likely to be subject to concession and lease of particular importance are the permanent lawns. A special normative act was dedicated to them, namely the Government Emergency Ordinance No 34/2013, which regulates inclusively the concession and lease of lawns which are in the public or private property of communes, towns and municipalities. As regards the concession and lease of the lawns which are in the public property of the above-mentioned administrative-territorial units, the legislator understood to derogate in some respects from the common law. Thus, the local public authorities are obliged to approve until 1 March every year the concession or lease for a period of 7 years to 10 years, without having the opportunity to assess the appropriateness of these juridical operations, the place of the opportunity study is taken by the pastoral arrangement, the award procedure is triggered at the written request of the animal breeders registered in the National Register of exploitations, there is no possibility of changing the destination of the concessioned or leased assets, even if there would be a consent of the owners, the lease contract for the lawns is non-transmissible even in the hypotheses regulated by Article 1846 of the Civil Code and others. The derogatory legal regime for concessioning of lawns which are in the public property is justified by the importance the legislator gives to the capitalization of these assets. Thus, in the statement of reasons of the cited normative act it is shown that animal breeding is an activity of national interest and the permanent lawns owned by the administrative-territorial units is for many breeders the only source of providing food for these. At the same time, capitalizing these assets is the premise of granting subsidies per area. These subsidies being granted from European funds the importance of the concession of those assets is undeniable. This explains why the administrative-territorial units to which a request for concession has been made do not have the possibility to assess the appropriateness of such a juridical operation, by law being imposed on them an obligation to grant permanent lawns. Correlatively, the animal breeders, natural persons or legal persons, who make in due time requests for concession acquire the right to participate in the award procedure, right which can be defended by resorting to the action in administrative disputes.