The new normative framework established by the Law No 101/2016 in the matter of judicial means of appeal brings some significant mutations, but, at the same time, takes over some provisions established by the former normative act (the Government Emergency Ordinance No 34/2000). In the context of the new normative framework, this study proposes a detailed analysis of the contestations formulated directly through judicial means, in accordance with the unional directives of 2014 in the matter of exercise of the judicial means of appeal. Also, the author of the study intends to analyze in detail the judicial means of appeal whereby it is requested the grant of damages for the prejudices caused during the stages preliminary to the award of these contracts, as well as for the prejudices caused after the contract is concluded, in the context in which the Court of Justice of the European Union held in its case law that the Member States enjoy procedural autonomy as regards the right to regulate the specific procedures by which the damages are going to be covered.